Chapter 8

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We were stood at the dining table, all except Finn. He sat next to the head of the table with Klaus standing to his right. On the opposite side stood Elijah and, I but we kept our distance. Behind Finn were the caterers who helped prepare the dinner. Elijah poured Finn a glass of fine wine before stepping back.

Finn wafts the glass of wine under his nose and speaks politely, "What an aromatic bordot."

"Well, it was a challenge to find a good pairing. What wine goes well with treachery?" Klaus says with a frown.

"Don't pout, brother. Tonight is meant to be a happy occasion!" Finn responds with a wicked grin.

Finn beckons a caterer over and whispers in their ear and she gets to work.

I false smile turned to a frown, "We are always up for a celebration, but only when there is something good to celebrate. Your surprising return does not seem to be good, Finn."

"So, what exactly are we celebrating?" Elijah asks inquisitively.

"Why, my return, of course! Remember, I spent nine hundred years--" Finn looks at Klaus for confirmation. "-- Right?-- lying daggered in a box. I'm rather enjoying this new body called Vincent. Strolling about your lovely city that, uh, you've made your home. But, do tell me-- what'd I miss? Regale me with your contributions to society! Medicine? Philosophy? Art?"

Klaus and I roll our eyes insync. Klaus already looks bored of the conversation.

Finn continues when no one else responds, "Or, have you two merely cut a path of destruction across time?"

"The last time we met, you were helping our mother try to annihilate the lot of us! Let's not throw stones in glass houses," Klaus points a finger at Finn.

When the caterers set up two plates, two glasses, and two sets of silverware, Elijah inquires, "Are we expecting another guest?"

Finn gestures across the table with a smile, "Mother will sit at the head. And, as for the seat across from me, that's reserved for another of our clan. Care to wager an educated guess? How about a paranoid one? I know Alexandria will want to sit beside him."

My eyes widened in realization as Klaus spoke, "Well, there's no way Kol would listen to anything other than his ego."

I shook my head and narrowed my eyes at Finn, "He would never side with you and Esther."

Finn shrugged his shoulders and met my eye, "And yet, my mother has made such a compelling argument that even he, the wildest of us Mikaelsons, has seen the error of his ways and accepted his new form with vigor! Change, dear brothers, is inevitable."

I was too disturbed to respond, so Klaus stepped in, "You would dare face us as a mortal? The only thing inevitable is your death."

Klaus grabs a knife and flings it at Finn's head. I watched as Finn easily deflected it using magic. Instead getting Finn, the knife went into the chair at the head of the table.

"Oh!" Finn says as he takes the knife out of the chair. "I suppose the honor of carving should go to the oldest. We have much to discuss."

With a sigh, I sat down at the seat across from Finn and one over, beside Kol's seat.

"At least Alexandria has the right idea," Finn smiled at me but I could see evil twinkle in them.

Elijah followed suit and sat beside Finn, but Klaus still stood with an angry expression.

"Niklaus, you may as well sit. This is going to be a long evening," Elijah said with a deep sigh.

Finn smiles at Klaus, "I'm rather enjoying my evening."

The Pain of Devotion//Kol Mikaelson (Book 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora