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The next day, Dean waited until the hallways were mostly silent. Dean noticed this odd occurrence - it seemed like for about an hour or so, the hallways would grow quiet. he assumed this could be the monster's lunch time. They did need to eat, after all. So that's when he told Sam to execute his plan. He strained his ears to listen. It was annoying he couldn't see for himself, separated by this stupid wall, but he could make a good guess based on the noises he heard. There was the slight creak as Sam opened the door a crack, possible by Lonoff leaving it a bit ajar, just enough for the others not notice. He then took a deep breath, and Dean could hear him throwing some of his clothes on the floor - The t-shirt under his flannel, covering some bulky socks, just as they had planned. It'd look as though a shape-shifter had covered up their skin. It would buy them a moment of time if anyone suspected Sam. Hopefully Sam had improved his acting skills ever since they were sucked into that alternate dimension, where they were actors. He shuddered at the mere thought of being in a soap opera. 

"You sure you don't want to come out too?" Sam asked through the wall, and Dean could almost feel his skeptically furrowed brows burning into him. Dean looked down at his leg. Sam had no idea how much he wished he could take his place, it was just impossible for him.

"Come on Sam, you're a grown man, you've got this," Dean reassured him, trying to direct it off of him. Sam fell silent, knowing that he should just drop it, and Dean heard his door open wide, then his footsteps disappear down the hallway. His muscles tensed. God, how he yearned to be able to see Sam, what he was doing, if someone had stopped him or apprehended him. It gave him agonizing anxiety, his heart pounding against his ribs, and he found it hard to breathe properly. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Sam was smart, strong, and capable. If anyone can pull this off, it's him.

For a few moments, there was silence, just the typical odd shuffling of someone going through paperwork, or the accidental drop of a tool on the ground. Minutes went by. Then Dean heard Sam's cell door creak, and cautious, unfamiliar footsteps come slowly into the room. Dean froze up, listening careful as the footsteps stopped in the middle of the cell. There was the rustle of clothes and a string of curses under someone's breath, a woman it sounded like. Her high heels distinctly clicked against the concrete as she rushed out the door, her head going by the window into Dean's cell. Just from that glimpse, Dean could see the fury in her eyes. She had figured out their scheme, and Dean prayed Sam had gotten their angel's grace, that he had been able to unlock them in time.

Suddenly the building fell into darkness, then a red alarm pulsed throughout the hallway, it's annoying buzzing muffled by Dean's cell door. He couldn't see anything, save for the silhouettes of monsters running past him, illuminated for only a moment by the ruby lighting only to disappear once again. He distinctly heard a woman scream "GET HIM" and then the fainter shouts of his brother, the crash of glass on the floor, then chaos ensued as frantic shouts filled the air. It sounded like a battle field, Dean able to hear the orders thrown every which way. Some monsters appeared to be fleeing back past him.

Dean pulled himself onto his leg, steadying himself against the cell door, trying to peer down the hallway, squinting his eyes. He could see a mass of fighting forming, then his eyes were drawn to the bright, shining blue light that exploded every few heart beats, cutting through the darkness. Dean grinned. Cas was back in business. Speaking of Cas, the bursts of light seemed to be getting closer, monsters Dean had just seen running to or from danger falling to the ground. As he got closer, the Winchester could see them - those glowing blue eyes the pierced the darkness, his darkness, getting closer and eventually right up to his cell window, staring back into Dean's green eyes. Dean could just make out Cas' infectious grin as it spread to his own face. The angel fiddled with keys for a moment then threw the door open. Dean gasped and stumbled forward, Cas catching him. He was incredibly warm, the grace coursing through his system giving him this unnatural - one may say, supernatural - warmth. Dean just wanted to forget the fight and sink down in Cas' arms forever. Against his internal protesting, Cas lifted Dean up and threw his arm over his shoulder, helping him down the hall, putting one hand around Dean's waist to battle him and using the other to warn other monsters out of the way, slashing his angel blade in an uncoordinated manner.

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