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Im Left with the choice ,do i stay here and die for what I know Or Do i take the chance and Risk it all for the sake of Humanity.Banging is heard followed by "You can't Run Forever Gray!!

Lucas: Alexx we need to go Now!!Make the choice.There coming..Entry T minus Five  minutes!!

Alexx: Start count Down!

Flash back to the day it All began Friday september 1st 2023 time 2:00am. I was in my Lab getting a go on a project i've been working on I call it 00-2ZX. It's purpose to Rebuild the Future.A world with less Distruction,where we care more about our environment.My Name is Alexx Gray I created My own company The Gray X Corporation's ,The company that thinks of the Future. I've traveled the world alot in the process of doing so saw our planet earth suffering.Entire Forest being Destroyed for our Consumption.Not just that pollution is at an all time High.That's when the idea of 00-2ZX became a project in motion;Tonight it becomes a Reality..well hopefully. The 00-2ZX  sucessfully turns on after many failed attempts.What i didn't know that Night was that What i had done would change the world but not just that. My life was in danger from all those that wanted the project to fail.The one's who wanted it for their self serving ways. They will stop at nothing till getting there hands on the original.The only way of making sure it worked was testing it out myself.. Eventually.

Alexx: 00-2ZX turn on Teleportation feature

To my surprise a pocket in space opened this web like hole,was like nothing I've ever seen...so Beautiful and magnetic.Yet a void into the unknown Beautifully Crafted by designed, and i was able to open it. Theory's and predictions about when it would happen and how it could be done.

After years of Adventures with 00-2ZX.
On October 29,2026 the day of the Release of the first 1,000 others apart from my very own.Hours before launch Alarms started to go off they had broken in.. Their Target's Lucas and I. How do you know that? Is what your asking yourself because we've prepared for situations like this. As everyone Runs to their Destinated locations for safety.

Alexx:Lucas Scan their locations

Lucas:Seven coming Down the stairs,Two on the left wing .Gather everything you need, We need to goo!!

Because of this i had to Release it the following way. Both Moving into a secret Room inside the Lab..

Alexx:Lucas Activate Live Feed.

As millions logged on.. Alexx prepared her self for the Launch of the year. She faced Lucas and the following was said..

"I don't have much time... They've broken in and are coming for us..  My Name is Alexx Gray ,Female Lucas is my (A.I)(Artificial Intelligence 00-2ZX ).As many of you know I own The Gray X Corporation's. I've Discovered teleportation As you know I've constructed 1,000 A.I's each with the help of Lucas.They will be sent out Round the world with the following goals. To help kids learn and advance their education,Language barriers wont be a problem anymore providing a brighter Future. A world without so much pollution and more.
Lucas Activate All and send them out.
Before i go i have one last thing up my sleeve, Lucas
Lock all Safe Zones and Notify the police department with A password for Re-entry. The following will close all major Exits Lucas Activate Light's Out.
Lucas Activate Teleportation feature you know to where. "

An explosion is heard

Lucas:Alexx there outside this door hurry!!

Before she walks through she says..
" Remember from The Gray X Corporation's  Never Stop believing in yourself and try to save the world one Travle at a time." She smiles and says "see you soon"

And the live feed dies.

The Gray X Corporation'sWhere stories live. Discover now