Chapter 13

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Austins P.O.V

Two days. Two days of loneliness. Two days of nonstop crying and two days without Ally. Throughout these days, I have been looking for her and trying everything to get her back. Yes, the police have been helping but its not enough. The worst part of all of this is that I don't know if shes alive or not. I know I should think positive but its really hard to when she has already been away for far too long. My mom is almost as devastated as I am, but I know I have to stay strong for her. I thought HE would have called the police and ask for money or something in exchange for Ally but he hasn't and I don't think he will. What is the benefit of HIM killing Ally? If I ever see HIM, well lets just say he will not be able to walk ever again! Right now I am laying on my bed just thinking. I've been so depressed lately that I have only left the house to look for Ally and I never answer my phone for anyone other then my parents.

"Austin get down here! Hurry!"

I wonder what my mom wants now. I hesitantly get up from my bed and walk downstairs. When I reach the bottom step I look up to see my parents standing there with a police officer. My heart drops and I am praying he doesn't say he has found a dead Ally. Tears start to drop from my eyes.

"Whats going on?"

My voice cracks throughout that whole sentence and everyone looks up at me. My mom comes over to me and takes a hold of my hand and looks back at the policeman.

"Well Mr and Mrs Moon, Austin, we think we have an idea on where Ally might be."

I look at him shocked with my tear filled eyes. I am to happy to say anything so my mom says something.

"Well what are you waiting for? Tell us!"

I giggle slightly at my moms demand but anxiously wait for an explanation too, knowing that I need one to calm my nerves.

"Well, we have gone over all of Johns killings and kidnaps and we have noticed that he tends to take his victims to abandoned places, mostly building."

Oh so HIS name is John is it? Ugly name! Before we can say anything the policeman continues.

"We looked throughout the city of Miami and found a total of 3 abandoned buildings. We checked 2 of them already and they were all clear. All we need to do is check the last building and hope Ally is being held captive in there. I will be taking my squad there tomorrow afternoon and hopefully Ally will be there and still... alive."

Before I can register what my body is doing, I let go of my moms hand and run up to the officer giving him a huge bone crushing hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

I can hear the officer chuckle and he quickly hugs back. I let go of him and go over to my mother hugging her from the side and resting my head on her shoulder. She puts her arms around me and I smile for the first time in 2 days.

"Thank you officer. Please, if you find her, bring her back home."

When my mom said 'bring her back home' I knew Ally was a part of the family whether we were together or not. The officer nodded and then left. My mom moves causing me to lift my head then she pulls me into a proper hug. I hug her tightly back and then my dad joins in, squeezing us both tightly. I think its safe to say that we all want Ally back in our lives.

Ally's P.O.V.

I have never been so tired and scared in my life. Sitting and tied up in a chair for 2 days is hurtful and boring. I swear if HE doesn't kill me soon ill die of boredom! It is possible you know! I've only been untied from this chair when I went to the bathroom but every time I go back to the chair HE ties the ropes tighter each time. It is to the point where my wrists and ankles are bleeding. My legs, arms and face are full of dirt and my hair is greasy. Austin's shirt doesn't smell like him anymore which makes me even more depressed. HE has given me food and water but I still hate him more then I have ever hated anyone in my life. He has slapped me across the face a few times for HIS own amusement and I'm pretty sure I have a black eye by now. Every time HE touches me or talks to me he smiles like HE is proud HE is doing this. I haven't seen the sun in these 2 days. What if I don't see the sun before I.. you know... die?

As you can see, I have lost total faith that I will get out of here alive and I have just faced the facts. I don't know how or when HE will kill me but I know it will happen soon. I know HE is getting bored with just looking at me and he keeps saying he will have fun killing me. I just want him to get it over with already! I'm ready to die so just do it! I hate waiting! At least I'll be with my mom just like HE said. I'm pretty sure if I do die, a couple of years after I'm gone Austin will forget about me and have a wife and kids and be super happy and- WHAT AM I SAYING! I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE! I NEED TO SEE AUSTIN AND MIMI AND MIKE AND TRISH AND DEZ AND NELSON AND MY DAD! I start to scream since HE took the cloth off of my mouth and I struggle in my chair ignoring the pain the ropes are giving me. I start to cry while screaming at the top of my lungs but I know no one can hear me. HE comes in the room looking angry and annoyed. He comes up to me and slaps me across the face HARD! "SHUT UP! God your more annoying then my ex wife!"

I'm still crying but I'm trying to be quiet. He smiles evilly at me and then turns around and leaves the room. I need to get out of here and I need to get out of here NOW, before its to late!

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