Chapter 12

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Ally's P.O.V

I woke up to my whole body tingling and warm which caused me to open my eyes, only to see Austin and I still in the same position as we were in last night. I couldn't help but smile and blush at the fact that we were both shirtless and cuddling each other. I wanted to stay here forever but I knew once Austin got a girlfriend we could never cuddle again. I let out a sigh as I decided to get up and go get the mail outside, needing the fresh air. I carefully took Austins hand, lifting it and resting it on his side. I then slowly take my head out from under Austins, which was resting on top of mine. This makes him stir a bit but thankfully doesn't wake up. I get off the bed and decide to wear one of Austins shirts. I'm sure he wont mind. I take a black t-shirt from his dresser and put it on, automatically being engulfed in his sexy scent, then head downstairs. When I get downstairs, I walk to the front door and unlock it, trying not to make too much noise. I walk outside while shutting the door behind me and start to take the mail from the mailbox. I am reaching for the doorknob when I hear a click from behind me. Me being stupid I turn around to see what the click was. I instantly drop all the mail while my eyes pop out of my head and my mouth drops to the floor. Standing right in front of me is HIM with a gun pointed at me. I'm ready to scream but HE stops me by putting his finger on his mouth shushing me. I am frozen there in shock and terror and I am praying Austin wakes ups, sees this and calls the cops. HE starts to walk toward me with a stupid smirk on his face. When he reaches me, he takes the gun and points it to my temple while using his other hand to stroke my cheek.

"Hello Ally. Did you miss me? Well don't worry, we'll have lots of fun together! There's no need to cry."

I didn't realize it but by now but I was crying.

"P-p-l-l-e-e-a-a-s-s-e-e d-o-n-t."

That is all that can come out of my mouth through my fear and ugly sobbing. All HE does is laugh in my face then brings the gun up behind his head then back down hitting me right in the head so hard that the world around me turns dark.

Austins P.O.V

I can't believe Ally and I almost kissed yesterday. My mom just had to go and ruin it! Okay yes, I admit it, I am in love with my best friend. She is beautiful, smart and nice and there are so many other things to love about her. Obviously, last night I was talking to Ally about me like- loving her. I wanted to tell her right there that she was the one I was talking about but it wasn't the right time. She has so many things on her mind right now and I didn't want to add another thing to her list of things on her mind. What if I tell her and she doesn't feel the same way? Well I can only hope that she loves me back. As I open my eyes with a smile on my face, it instantly drops when I am welcomed with an empty, cold spot beside me. Wheres Ally? Shes probably downstairs or something. I get up from my bed and walk out the door and down the stairs. I go into the kitchen only to find it empty. It's okay Austin, everything fine. I go to the front to see it unlocked and walk outside. I notice the mail on the ground and my mind instantly thinks the worst. NO NO NO NO NO! ALLY! NO! I run into the house and pick up my phone and dial 911. I can't help the tears that are forming in my eyes, threatening to fall.

"Hello, 911 whats your emergency?"

"Hi, ummm, my best friend, I think she was kidnapped. YOU HAVE TO HELP!"

"Okay sir please calm down. Whats your name and address?"

"Austin Moon and 211 Conroy Avenue."

"Okay the police are on there way to investigate."

"Thank you."

I then hang up and right away call my parents. My mom picks up her phone and I tell her what happened while crying making my mom start to cry hysterically. She tells me that they will be here as soon as they can and we say our goodbyes. Now I am anxiously waiting on the couch all by myself.

~10 minutes later~

"Ding dong"

I quickly jump up from the couch and open the front door. There are 2 policemen with notebooks in their hands and I instantly move out of the way so they can come in. I cant speak since I am still crying so the policemen come in while I shut the door behind them. I join them in the living room sitting on the couch while they stand in front of me.

"So, tell us exactly what happened."

I finally find my voice and decide to tell them everything, leaving nothing out. I start from the beginning and when I say beginning i mean beginning, beginning. I tell them about the wanted man who attacked Ally, and how she has been living with me for over 2 weeks. Then I told them about how I woke up this morning and she was gone. Throughout me telling them all of this, they were efficiently listening and taking notes. When I finished I hadn't realized how hard I had been crying, but my whole face and neck were wet.

"Okay thank you for your information. We will try our very best to find Ally and bring her back to you. If we find anything we will call you."

I nod at them appreciatively and then they left. Once the door had shut I let out a loud sob and fell on the couch face first. Half of my body was on the couch and the other half was hanging off the couch. Just then my parents came bursting through the door and my head automatically shot up. I looked at my tear stained mother who had a sad look on her face.

"Oh Austin."

She opened her arms and I instantly ran into them and cried on her shoulder.

"Oh mommy! Shes gone! It's all my fault! I told her I would protect her! I promised! I can't lose her mommy I love her! Shes the love of my life!"

I sobbed harder to my mom while she tried to calm me down, discretely crying herself.

"Sweetie it is not your fault! We will find her I promise! I know you love her honey, we'll get her back."

The rest of the night we talked to several people on our street. They claim to not have seen anything which made me angry. I actually yelled at an old man because he said he didn't see anything and I accused him of lying. Because of that my mom sent me home to calm down, but she understood why I was acting the way I was. I cried most of the night while my parents tried to calm me down. I cried so hard I thought I would run out of tears but they just kept falling. It was already 11:00p.m so I decided to try to go to sleep but half the time I couldn't stop crying and the other half of the time I was just staring at the ceiling refusing to believe Ally was gone. I eventually fell asleep with tears in my eyes thinking of my beautiful Ally.

Ally's P.O.V

I wake up to my head, wrists and ankles throbbing. I slowly open my tired eyes to see me tied up to a chair in the middle of a very dark, empty room. I try to let out a scream but it came out muffled. I can now see that there is a cloth covering my mouth, making me start freak out more then I already was. I instantly start to cry and try to struggle out of the ropes holding me down. The more I struggle the more the ropes seem to tighten.

"Don't even try sweetheart. Your just hurting yourself more, not that I care."

HE came in the room, causing a little light to seep through from the other side of the door, with a huge smile on his disgusting face. Oh how I would love to slap that smile right off his stupid ugly face!

"But don't worry, all of that hurt your feeling will go away soon. And hey, you'll be with your mom soon enough."

I cry even harder at the mention of my mom. You see, she died a few years ago and I know I'm next. I don't want to die, not now! Not before I fulfill my dreams and tell that one special person that I love them. Austin. HE laughs while walking out of the room and all I can think about is Austin. Is he looking for me? Is he sleeping in his comfortable warm bed? God how I wish his large muscular arms were around me instead of these stupid ropes. I can feel myself becoming weaker and all I can do is sit here and count down the minutes I have left until my last breathe.

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