Chapter 9

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Thursday. July 24, 2014. 6:37 AM

The air was cool on Zena's cheeks when she woke to the sound of birds chirping happily. She found herself wishing she could be a bird, flying high in the sky and not worrying about possibly being a killer. Letting out a long sigh, she stood up and leaned against a tree. Her legs were sore. Zena began to worry about her sleep walking but that was quickly pushed away by her thoughts of hunger.

The last time she had eaten was Tuesday night when she first got to the forest and Zena's stomach was begging for attention. She had been so preoccupied with hiding and figuring out whether she killed someone or not to notice how hungry she had gotten.

Now there was no way Zena could ignore it. Her stomach was growling so much she was sure everyone within 5 miles could hear it. The closest place she could think to get food would be the homeless. Zena felt bad for going to ask them to feed her, but she didn't know what else to do.

So she went to the trail and turned right. She was happy that they weren't too far from where she was because it was hard to walk, being as hungry as she was. When the voices of the homeless were close enough to be heard, Zena let out a relieved sigh. Just as they were starting to come into view, she heard her name.

The first time, she stopped. She thought she had imagined it. The second time, she turned around and was surprised to see Astronia standing there breathing hard like she had been running. There were tears falling steadily from her eyes and a big smile across her face. She was wearing a backpack.

"I was starting to think I'd never see you again," she said, walking closer. Zena was speechless, so Astro continued. "I was so worried. I've been looking for you since you disappeared from my house."

Zena was about to say something when her stomach spoke for her. She turned bright red as Astro giggled. Astronia grabbed the bag off her back and grabbed a can of soup.

"It will be cold but it's something. I figured you were starving out here," Astro said with a smile as she grabbed a can opener then opened the soup and handed it to Zena.

"Thank you," Zena managed to say as she grabbed the can.

They began walking back towards Zena's camp while Zena ate the soup Astro brought her. Both of them were relatively quiet on the way there but once they arrived, Zena was done eating and they both had their fair share of questions.

"This is a good spot. You're smart, Zena," Astro spoke first. "I'm so glad I found you. The police showed up at my house and I was worried they would find you but when they searched the house, you were already gone."

"I heard them when they arrived and left through the back door," Zena replied. "So they are looking for me? I really am a suspect? Do you know if there's any other suspects?"

"You're the only suspect I know about. If they had any others, they wouldn't tell us. They came to my house because you weren't home and they wanted to question me about you."

"I really killed her, then. I really did it," Zena was crying now, sitting with her back against the tree.

"I can't believe that. I refuse to believe you could have done that," Astro was beside her now, their arms around each other.

"Thank you... I'm so scared. I don't like having to hide."

"I'm sure you won't have to for much longer. They've gotta find the real killer soon."

Zena nodded then sat in silence with her cousin. Astronia stayed with her for the rest of the day and gave her more food. Zena was thankful for her being there because it took her mind off everything and gave her head a break. When the sun went down and night came, however, she was on her own again.

She wasn't sure of herself anymore. Zena didn't know if she killed that girl or not and she wasn't sure if there was any way that she could find out. All she could do was sit there helplessly and wait every day for someone else to be named the killer. If it weren't for the person who she became in her sleep, she wouldn't be in this mess. Zena absolutely despised her sleepwalking.

She was happy to finally be waking up in the same place each morning.

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