Chapter 2

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• November 17 •
>*snowing <

"Where are we going?" Hyungwon managed to say as he gathered all his courage, but he didn't get a answer until he suddenly stood still. The room he was in before was dark so Hyungwon could see through the blindfold that a new light had hit his face.

Just then the blindfold got taken off. Shocked Hyungwon looked at the place he was. He was in a theater ,and he was on the stage with the three men. Then suddenly the men that stung the needle into one of the woman's necks started to talk.

"Here we have a young male named Hyungwon ,he doesn't have sicknesses or mental issues he's perfectly fine. You could use him as maid or for you're own sexual pleasures." Hyungwon felt tears coming up, he was going to be sold and there was nothing he could do about it.

"$400.000,- " He suddenly heard from the left side of the audience. Hyungwon started sobbing.
"$500.000,-" He then heard another voice say but this time from the right side of the audience.
"$1.000.000,-" He then heard again from the right side, this was so much money how could you possibly pay for a human?! He thought as tears were rolling down his cheeks.

Then it got silent for ten seconds until one of the masked man spoke. "Does anybody want to bid higher than $1.000.000,-?"

There was another silence. "Congratulations mister ,you won-" but he got cut off "2.000.000,-" suddenly came from the audience.

You could hear people whispering in the whole audience as the last bidder got up. Hyungwon couldn't see his face yet but the person sounded manly which scared Hyungwon a lot.

Then the man entered the stage as the masked man spoke , "congratulations mister you won with a price of 2.000.000,- " He said as the man that was holding Hyungwon almost threw him towards the man that was walking into the stage. As the light hit the persons face Hyungwon finally had the chance to look at him.

Hyungwon scanned the man seeing he was shorter than him but more muscular, he had a handsome face and blonde hair that was put back a bit messy.

The unknown man smiled at Hyungwon and signed him he should follow him. Hyungwon was still sobbing as he followed the man, in the meantime Hyungwon looked around the audience. He saw a few of the hostages sitting next to someone in a suit, they were probably bought by those people Hyungwon thought. But there were only a few of the woman. Where did the others go?

It turned out that Hyungwon's buyer didn't go to the audience but to the exit of the theater. The blonde haired man went outside and then turned to Hyungwon.

"Hello I'm Shin Hoseok but please call me Wonho" the man said as he showed his smile at the younger one, "I know you're terrified and I want to say that I won't hurt you. But I do want you to listen to me carefully" his expression became more serious after those words left his mouth.

The blonde man then walked over to a small bench and he sat down, Hyungwon also sat down next to him.

"You and all those woman have been reported dead to the government, but as you see you aren't. Now this part will scare you." He said as he avoided eye contact.

"I saw you looking at the audience when we left the theater, and I know you didn't see all the woman you were locked up with."

"They didn't get sold"

Hyungwon looked a bit confused at Wonho as he tried locking eyes with him. "As you know you were all reported dead even though you're alive, the woman who didn't get sold are going to actually experience that lie."

Wonho looked at the ground with pain in his eyes, as if he rather denied the future for those woman. He then looked at Hyungwon seeing his pale crying face, he then took his hands and felt how cold the younger was.

Hyungwon looked at the older one shocked and confused ,he then swiftly pulled his hands away from the man he just met. Wonho accepted Hyungwon's reaction but got up right after, he then took of his long gray jacket and put it over the shoulders of the younger one.

He then kneeled down next to him and he sighed as snow stared to fall down on the two, "my driver will arrive soon, after that we can go home. Don't worry you'll have you're own room and bathroom at first." He said while he smiled and snow started to fill up the air.

Hyungwon was a bit relieved but he was to shocked to process it, and what does he mean at first?

Snow continued to fall as they waited for Wonho's driver, and after a few minutes he came and picked them up.


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