mikey imagine for Mrs.tobeone

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(for your imagine its your 23 birthday)

kalen p.o.v

so me and my mom are getting ready for my birthday and this is going to be a fun birthday there's going to be a photo booth, a DJ, ect

after doing that i need to get ready for the party i need to get dress i put my dress put my hair in a missy bun and i waited for the guess to come

(30 mins later still kalen p.o.v)

everybody here but my boyfriend mikey is not here yet  so i call him

phone convo

m:  hey bae

k: hey baby where are u

m: i am getting something for your birthday that's why its taking long i'll be there like 20 k bae

k: ok bye baby

m: bye baby girl

end of convo

20mins later

mikey's p.o.v

so i got to kalen house and i can't wait to give her birthday gift when all of me by john lenged came on i ask her to dance and when the song ended asked her hey kalen yeah she said

kalen p.o.v

yeah i said he gets down on one keen and said kalen it would be honor to be my wife I stared to cry and i said yes yes yes and he got up and we started kissing and everyone else started awwwing

mikey p.o.v

yes she said yes I can't wait for her to be my Mrs.Fusco

kalen p.o.v

I can't wait tell the wedding and I am soon to be Mrs.Fusco

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