you guys met

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how you met

Jason: you guys met at knots berry farm you at a tobeone concert over there. the boys had meet and greet, you gave him somthing like a teddy bear. he said thank you and after he was done he stops you and ask you this whats your namewas you respond "y/n" he smiles and responds "what a beautiful name" you both were talk for a while and you mentioned "you know i was your friend back in the 3rd grade" he looked at you for a sec and you can tell he's trying to remember "y/n... omg i do remember you" you both laugh jason asks "y/n do you think you would like to catch up this week?" you smile at him that'll be great jason"

Louis: you guys went to the same school since elementary but he does know you still that good but you both lost contact once you guys hit middle school. you were walking to class. and so you where walking in the hall as he bumps into, you drop you books and some papers you pick them and louis comes and helps you. he says "hi y/n how are you" you look up and respsond "good louis and you?" "good, he says can i tell you something y/n?" you were kinda concerned "sure anything Louis" you can tell that he was getting really nervous "i've seen you around and since freshman year and was wondering if you wanted to be mine?" you were shocked you asked him again "can you repeat that" he says again "my girlfriend" you smile "yes i would love to be your girlfriend" he smiles from ear to ear as the bell rings "i have to get to class what do you have right now?" "English" "cool i have the same thing"

Mikey: you guys where in icon dance complex and you where in summer dance camp at icon.  your friends been their before and this is your 1st time doing something like this. you guys where dancing and at the end of class Mikey comes up to you "hi i am Mikey whats your name" you were caught off guard and you respond "my name is y/n" "what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" you smile "awww thanks Mikey" "no problem y/n, so I was wondering..." you can see from his body language that he was getting nervous. "i was wondering if you would like to go on a date tomorrow " "sure that'll be great" he smiles. you guys talk for a little bit longer till your mom texed you, "well it was so nice talking to you mikey but I gotta go see you tomorrow" "yeah no problem see you tomorrow"

Madison: you where at the mall with your friends and you guys shoped till you droped. y'all were getting tired and were looking for a place to sit, you guys found a place to sit but you being just being a little clumsy you bump into someone (sorry if I called out anyone lol) you both say sorry you both chuckle you look up to see Madison. "it's ok Madison" he got shocked "how did you know my name?" he said you gave a small smile "i've following you cause of your dancing" "oh that's dope" he smiles and continues "whats your name?" "y/n" "wow I like your name" "thanks" you smile you talk for a bit longer. you hear your friends complain to hurry up eyes got big and you turned to your friends to tell to hold on they nod their heads. "I gotta go it was great talking to you, do you wanna hang out sometime this week?" "sure that'll be amazing" Madison replies. you both exchange numbers and go your separate ways


hoped you guys liked it and vote and if you want a story of you and one the boyz coment below (and i don't diry ones) and follow me

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