Chapter 2

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~With Austin~

Waiting for Ally to arrive at my house was extremely boring! It has been ten minutes since her shift ended and she should be here very soon. I know your probably thinking 'calm down its only ten minutes, you can wait.' Yeah well try ten hours! I have been home all day getting ready for Ally and I's movie night and the time cannot go any slower! I tried calling and texting her but she isn't answering her phone and I'm starting to get a little bit worried. What if something happened? No! Everything's fine. Everything is fine! She probably just misplaced her phone or maybe it dies. Even though it wouldn't ring if it was dead. Just then my phone started to ring and I picked it up immediately.

"Ally! Is that you? Where are you?"

I stayed quiet waiting for her to answer me but instead of talking I heard sniffling from the other end of the phone and then heard Trish's voice.

"No it's Trish." She sounded as if she had been crying and was about to start again at any moment.

"Oh heyTrish, What's wrong? Are you okay?"

I did care about Trish but all I could think about was a certain brunette. Once again my thoughts about Ally were interrupted.

"I'm fine but Ally she she..." Right then Trish burst into tears and I could feel myself start to become sick to my stomach.

"Trish what happened?" I asked trying to keep myself as calm as possible.

"Ally's in the hospital. She was attacked in the store." Brooke explained through her tears.

I automatically froze not being able to do or say anything. All that came out of my mouth was "what hospital" and right when Trish told me I hung up the phone and ran to my car and drove as fast as I could to the hospital. When I got to the hospital I went straight to the front desk and demand I know what room Ally Dawson was in.

"Please sir, calm down. Ally Dawson is in surgery at the moment but you can wait in the waiting room and we will tell you right away when she is out of surgery."

The receptionist explained very calmly. I thanked her and walked over to the waiting room. When I got there I saw Trish and my other best friend Dez sitting in the waiting chairs. As I approached both of them slowly, Trish looked up at me with tears in her eyes and immediately ran over and hugged me. Soon after, Dez joined in and they were all hugging and crying together. They all sat in the chairs and I finally broke the silence.

"So... what exactly happened to her?" It was close to a whisper but still loud enough for Trish and Dez to hear clearly.

"I don't know exactly. All i know is that she was stabbed in the arm, pulled down the stairs causing head trauma and has a broken leg." Trish said through her tears.

"Oh. Well will she be okay?"

"We don't know." Dez said looking at the blank white wall in front of him. Dez loved Ally just as much as we all did. If something fatal happened to her, I'm pretty sure non of us would be the same again. We all sat in silence for almost 2 hours until a doctor came out of a room and over to the 3 of us.

"Ally Dawson?"

All three of us stood up but I was the first one to say something. I needed to know if my bubbly and beautiful best friend was okay.

"Yes! Is she awake? Can we go see her? Is she alive? Will she be okay?"

"One question at a time son!" The doctor chuckled and then continued.

"Ally will be fine. She has stitches in her arm and a cast on her leg. Her head will be fine as long as she doesn't move it around to much. She is resting right now but yes, you can go see her. Although, she does need her rest." Everyone, especially me, sighed in relief and when I was about to go see Ally, the doctor spoke again.

"There is only one problem. Ally was attacked by a man who has been wanted for many years and he still hasn't been caught yet. We found out he has been watching Ally for a while now and he knows where she lives. We contacted her father who will be staying in Europe for his safety since he was already there for a business trip. Ally will need a safe place to stay and not be alone when she goes out."

Honestly, I was scared for Ally but I really just wanted to find that guy and kill him! My mind was running through ideas on how to kill this man when my thoughts were once again interrupted.

"She can stay with me. She is my best friend." Trish exclaimed with a smile on her face although the doctor didn't seem to pleased.

"That would be great but the man also knows where you live since you two are always together. She will need a safer place and Mr. Dawson already asked for her to stay with a certain person."

I was shocked and confused on who Mr. Dawson would want her daughter to stay with. No offense but Ally and her father don't know many people.

"So, who will she be staying with then?"

Dez asked the doctor the question on everyone's minds. The doctor then turned to me and said "You."

Everyone was in complete and utter shock. I was clearly dreaming, because never in a million years would Mr. Dawson let his daughter stay with a boy. Even if it was me.

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