The After Effects// Teen Wolf (Book three)

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The After Effects

M.A. Christman

Going Back is Never Easy


noun plural noun: after-effects an effect that follows after the primary action of something.

 It's been two months since the loss of Allison Argent and Aiden. 

Emily is back and so is the rest of the pack. Life was suppose to calm down and Emily and her friends were just suppose to focus on school. But with a fallen werewolf trapped sending them all on a trip to Mexico, only the beginning? A new threat the pack has never faced before throw their lives back into the supernatural faster than they wanted. This is The After Effects

 Book three in The Other Argent series


The two months after Allison's death, were the hardest I've ever had to endure. Allison my sister, my twin. Gone. Aiden was gone too, even though he and I weren't best friends I saw the good in him at the end. He died the good guy. Ethan and Isaac left and so did my dad. I've been living at the McCall's for the past two months, they became my second family. Scott was even more of my brother now then he was before. I needed all the friends I could get. I now worked at Deaton's with Scott, and had dinner with Mr. McCall every time Melissa worked the night shift. I changed a lot in those two months. I haven't touched a bow and arrow or a crossbow. It was the weapon I shared with Allison and it didn't seem right to use it without her. I became quieter and more closed off to everyone, even Scott, Stiles and Derek. Derek has been gone for a few weeks without any word why. I was scared for him. I thought back to the last time I talked to him.

Emily's flashback.

I walked through the woods with Derek. He had a hold on my hand and was dragging me out to some unknown location. “Where in the hell are we going?” I asked.

        “Do you trust me?” He shot back.

        “For some unknown reason yes.” I reply annoyed.

         “Then trust me.” I let out a sigh.

        “You're so lucky you're hot.” I mutter, but of course he hears me.

        “I know.” He replies. I let out a sigh and roll my eyes.

        “Narcissistic much?” I ask sarcastically. He rolls his eyes but ignores me.

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