18. To be stupid with Pride or stupid with Anger?

Start from the beginning

She nodded her head before she replied. "Only you, Shizune, and I in the whole village will know about this. I have tried to explain to the other villages that it was not you, they didn't believe me. As much of a pain in an ass this will be, you get to spend a week in prison while I get to update the other villages about your week of 'vacation'." I wrinkled my nose as she gave me a small hopeful smile. "The week won't be too long. All you have to do is just stay in prison while I take care of the rest of this. So how does this sound to you?" 

"It looks like I am spending a nice week in prison." I replied with a mischievous grin on my face. 

"That's the spirit; just make sure not to make any enemies there. You will be shipped off there as soon as possible. If anybody asks where you are going, you are going on a mission. You cannot tell anybody where you are going or else this whole test will be put to waste." She explained to me and I nodded my head. "Then have fun in prison." 


Catching onto the prison way of life was easier than I expected. It was easy to blend in. My first worry was that people would point out my age and question me, but it seemed that they all expected people to be rotten by the time they reach my age. I simply observed the people there. There were some criminals I was familiar with and others I had no clue who they were. 

Looks like not everybody can be a well-known nefarious villain. I pondered to myself as I stirred my food around in my tray. The food was not the best, but I knew it was smart to not say anything. The last thing I needed was to be noticed while in prison. There was not need to make myself a target for anybody.

The first day went uneventfully for me, except for making my first prison friend. She looked curious about everything which led to a world of possibilities as to why she was in there. There was a prison fight, but it seemed as though they happened every day and they were the only source of excitement for the others. I continued to watch and be observed. It seemed as though my new friend was curious about me and began to follow me around. 

Part of me wanted to imagine her as a sweet woman, but I knew I had to keep my guard up. No matter if she was a young woman or an old fart that could barely move. My guard was to be up at all times, I had to protect myself from any danger. 

"You are in my area." A gruff voice said to me as I walked to a corner when we were let into the outside area. I looked up to examine the man who said it. 

Tch, do I try to show that I am strong or do I simply leave? I do not want to be a target for anybody. Maybe the sassy reply route will go well and I will earn his respect. I thought to myself as I put my hands on my hips. "Okay, you can keep this trashy area to yourself." When the words left my mouth I knew that they were the wrong ones to say. 

"What do you think you are saying punk?" He asked me as I was flipped onto the ground. It looks like a sassy reply did not work well. I can't take back what I said or try to go back on my word, I can only move forward and accept whatever is next. 

"I am positive that you heard what I said." I replied to him in a bored tone as I stood up and took a defensive fighting stance. "If you want to fight, then so be it. I am not afraid to go against a stupid sack like you." 

It was then that a few people began to stop what they were doing and crowd around us. Damn it, I should have thought everything through. I need to stop pretending to be cool. This isn't helping one bit. The fellow prisoners watched with anticipation in their eyes while others had hateful glares. 

"You think that-" 

"You can handle me? No, I will now snort to prove how useless you are in this situation. I have heard all of that shit before. To be honest with you, I am not feelings it right now." I said to him a bored tone and waved my right hand. "I have a prison sentence to serve." 

My mouth is going to get me in trouble. It looks like I don't have to worry about my anger issues acting up, but my pride instead. I think I just made a new enemy on my first day here. 


 Hey there guys! What did you think of this chapter? For this story I see a lot of potential to do things differently and make it unique, so I am going to try my best to make sure that things go smoothly and such. Are you looking forward to anything in this story? How is your summer? How is school going if you are in it? Have you done anything super cool or watched/listened to anything super cool? THINK FAST! What do you get on your Subway sandwich? 

Writing Updates and such: 

There are only two days left to vote in the @NarutoWattyAwards. I have my story, "Falling For Bug Boy?" under the category of Other and I have been nominated for Best Author category. Every category receives two votes except Best Author. Vote for me only if you want to and are not stressed between picking between me and others. If you stumped on whether or not you should vote for me or someone else, vote for that other person because I do not want people to be stressed out for voting. If you even just thought of me for either category, that really does mean a lot to me. c: 

The song on the side should be a hint for what I hope to write this weekend for you guys. I am just saying, it is not Naruto related. c: 

Have a wonderful day and smile lovelies! ^w^

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