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"Okay so here are some rules." Mikasa said while we was on the train.

We take the train sometimes to get to places.

And since Kai's house is like ten blocks away we decided to take a train.

"When we get in his house you are to stay by me at all times."

I nodded while looking at the girls that was staring at me and drooling.

"And you are not to flirt with anybody. You are going to have small talk. I will give five minutes to go get some food and punch. If you are not back with in within five minutes..... I'm going to start to worry. If we see that disgusting Kai. You are not to go anywhere with him. You are not to be alone with him. Do you understand Hiro?"

I nodded and stared at this one girl.

"Hiro?! Do you understand?!"

"Hai! M-mam!!"

She sighed and pinched the brim of her nose.

"You are hopeless. But so cute."

We got off the train and I had the girls numbers.

"What is that?" Mikasa asked pointing to the stack of papers.

"The girls gave me their number and told me to call them." I smiled and closed my eyes.

"Throw them on the ground."


"Throw them on the ground!!!"

I did as told and threw them on the ground.

I was planing to call them.

"Did your mom ever tell no talk to strangers?"

I nodded.

"Then why do you do it?"

"Your were a stranger when i first saw you."

She smiled and dragged me into the house.

"Remember the rules."

I nodded.

The hallway is black.

I'm scared.

I don't have teddy so I even more scared.

Damn mom and Mikasa, hid teddy.

-few hours earlier-

"NOOOOO!!! Don't touch him!!!"

Tears ran down my cheeks.

"Come on!!! You can't bring him to the party!" Mikasa chased after me.


"Give me the teddy bear!!!!"

I ran down the halls in the house.

Tears running down my face and staining teddy.

She wants me to leave teddy here.

She wants me to leave him here!!!!!

No way!!!!

Teddy is mine!!!!!

I ran to my moms room an jumped on here bed waking her up from her nap.


She jumped and looked at me.

"Mam? Hiro won't give me his teddy bear. He needs to leave it hear for the party."

"Mhm. Teddy leave Hiro here."


"He opened her eyes and looked at me."

"My bad. Hiro leave teddy here you'll be fine with a day without teddy."


"Ah I don't want to hear it. Give me teddy."


"Give me teddy."

Mom's demanding voice boomed through out the room.

I ran out her room and into mine.

I shut the door and placed teddy in my closet.

Hah! While that is in the closest, I can go take a shower.

I hopped in the shower and cleanse myself of all the dirt and tears that stained my cheeks.

I dried myself off and wrapped myself in a towel.

I quickly went to the closest door and opened it and didn't find teddy.


My mom came rushing up the stairs.

"What's wrong?"

"TEDDY IS GONE!!!!!!!!!! HE IS GONE!!!!!!"

"Oh don't worry dear. Teddy is just in my room somewhere. And it's locked so you can't get it until after you come home for the party."

I fell to my knees.

Teddy is gone.

I ran to my moms room but fell down the stairs.

"HIRO!!" Mikasa and my mom gasped/yelled when they saw me at the bottom of the stairs.

I don't move and just cried.

"I rather die!! You toke teddy away."

"You need to get up and get ready for this party. Stop crying over a dumb teddy bear. If you don't go to this party, people will not be your friend and you wot make any."

I look up to see Kisa.

I got up and hugged her.

She is right. Teddy can wait until later tonight.

~right now~

She knocked on the door and somebody opened the door.

"Welcome to the party!! Here have some beer!!!!"

A girl nearly drunk handed us a Bottle.

"No thank you." Mikasa said pulling me in the party.

"Wait I want something to drink."

"You get juice."

"I want that fancy bottle."

"Fine here."

She grabbed me a bottle from a table.


I was pulled by my arm.

"Wait uh-"

"I missed you babe."


Teddy bearWhere stories live. Discover now