Chapter 11

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Okay so Mikasa doesn't want me to go out with him.

It's lunch time and Mikasa hasn't spoke to me once.

Does she hate me?

I looked at her and she was lookin straight at me.

Quickly I put my head down to hide my blush.

Arms wrapped around my neck and someone kissed my cheek.

"Hey teddy bear. Do you have an answer?"

My cheeks was all red and I jumped.

"What do you want Kai?" Mikasa said coldly.

He sat next to me and held my hand.

"Nothing that is important to you."

She clicked her tongue.

"Hiro. I'll see you in mr. Rip's class." She grabbed her stuff and moved to another table."

I watched her as she did.

"So teddy bear do you?"

He turned my face towards him by my chin.

"Ummm..... I don't Kai..... I never had a boyfriend, let alone a girlfriend."

He pulled me closer to him by my waist.

"Aw come on. That means I'll be your first kiss. And your first person to have sex with."

I blushed and pushed away.


He chuckled and stood up.

"I'll ask you tomorrow."

He left and the bell rang for science.

Mikasa walked up to me smiling.

"What?" I asked while walking with her to class.

"Nothing. I'm just happy. Happy that you said no."


"Oh no you got it-"

"Hello Hiro."

Mr. Rip said while ruffling my hair.

"Hello Mr. Rip."

He petted teddy and I walked in the class room.

"Okay class get ready for that quiz that we are takin tomorrow."

I pulled out my book and studied.

Looking up I saw that the teacher was staring at me.

I smiled at him and he smiled back.

Okay so X+chemical=?


Urgh!!! I'm never going to get this!!

Well I should pay attention in class but it's so hard to understand what they are saying.

I was tapped on the shoulder.

"You okay? Hiro."

Mr. Rip said rubbing my shoulder.

I nodded and continued to stare at my book.

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