Being Astro's crush would include

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He always Watches you from a distance, when he accidentally brushed your hand he almost malfunctions,

he gets nervous when you do something cute, he rarely talks around you because he wants to hear your voice.

He's always checking up on you seeing if you're alright and if you need anything,Whenever they walking to class together he holds the door for you every time and sometimes forgets to hold the door for others.

He's very clumsy like walk into something or trip over nothing around you because he's fully focused on you.

he will put himself out there for you protecting you even if it means him getting hurt.

He gets teased by his friends a lot because he's a lot more nice and fluffy with you then with his friends, and if you even mention a guy he will become very sad and jealous.

He never asks you out but it's constantly on his mind, he knows almost everything about you I bet there's even a file in his head that's dedicated to you.

he always lingers when you two hug wondering when it's the right time to kiss you or not.

His mind is always wondering on what you two can do when you are together, hold hands..Hug..... Kiss.... Get married! I think he's overheating!

AstroBoy x Reader Boyfriend scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now