Chapter two: The sesh

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- Sasukes POV -
Sasuke adjusted his collar over and over again in the mirror. He wasn't concerned with his looks, however an over all annoyance of the situation kept him occupied.

The boys had gathered at Naruto's home for pree drinks before going out to Tsuki's. Kiba, Shino Aburame, Shikimaru Nara and Naruto all sat together in the living room drinking their mixed alcohol while reciting story's of their youth. Choji has gone on a munchie run, leaving Sasuke alone in the bathroom.

Now any Idiot could tell Sasuke wasn't a social butterfly. More of a bitter snake. But he could admit that things would be much easier if he could behave like a well adjusted member of society. And like any other well adjusted member of society would do, he inhaled drink after drink after drink until he could converse with his friends. Alcohol was a hell of a thing. And Sasuke had really 'mastered' the art of intoxication. So with his 4th drink emptied he decided to bite the bullet and go sit with the fellas. But as he turned to enter the living room, he could smell a strange odour coming from the back patio. Curious, the Uchiha followed the strong scent out through the back door and turned left. Where he found Shino puffin on a joint.

The two men looked at each other for a long silent while before Shino made the first move.

"Sasuke do you know why I'm so quite all the time?"

Sasuke slowly shook his head.

"Well it's because of Marijuana. It...calms me. Things are relaxed this way." Shino finished his confession and brought the blunt to his lips, taking a long drag and exhaling the smoke into the wind.

"Hai" Sasuke answered. A little confused by the situation, yet not at all surprised by Shino's little secret.

Shino looked down at his feet and swallowed hard. "Would you like a try?" He asked, holding up the blunt for Sasuke.

Now Sasuke knew what was gonna happen. He was gonna reject him flatly and walking back into the house. That's what typical Sasuke would have done. But that's not what happened. At all. No Sasuke hesitantly took the weird looking cigarette thing and too a puff. It felt hot and had a strange taste that Sasuke couldn't quite decide if he liked or not. He coughed hard and handed the joint back to Shino. Who took it with a curious expression plasters on his stoic face.

"Nice" he said. Sasuke gave him a small nod and turned to leave inside. His mind trying to piece together any thought process at all that could have taken place there. No doubt the alcohol impeding his discussion making. The idea of taking the edge off really appealed to Sasuke though and so he took the chance. And it seemed to be working. Sasuke walked in and took a seat with his circle of teammates. They all held drunken conversation and poorly coordinated jabs at each other. And then Naruto noticed Sasuke.

"Ok Sasuke, you okay?" He called from across the group.

"Hai" he replied, but a small smirk made its way to his lips. Luckily Naruto was far too fucked to notice it.

"Oi Shikamaru, what's Temari gonna do when she finds out where you are aye?" Kiba taunts the genius ninja.

"She's drinking tonight too you idiot, she's probably at Ino's as we speak" he answered in a lazy tone.

Naruto took a swig from his bottle and wrapped his arm around kiba's shoulders. "What about you fuckboi, on the prowl for hookups as usual?" Naruto exclaimed, earning a laugh from the other guys.

"Man if I got as many chicks as Kiba does It would be the biggest pain" Shikamaru stated cooly.

Kiba turned towards Shikamaru. "If you pulled as many chicks as I do Temari would literally remove your balls"

- Notion - (a sasusaku fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora