Chapter 3

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I heard my alarm go off which was the alarm I had set so I could pick up Jake from the airport. I sighed and rubbed my eyes open forcing myself to stand up.

I looked at the time. It's was 10:30 in the morning so that means Jake would be here in about an hour. There was a bit of a long drive to the airport so I decided to take a shower and leave.

Once I was in the car I back out of the drive way. I began driving on the main road and all of a sudden my excitement kicked in. The flight here was only an hour long which meant Jake try and come as much as he could.

He has visited before, the first time we met was the best though. We had tons of fun and stuff. The second time was just as fun but it was more relaxed. I hoped this time it would be just as exciting.

Driving down the highway I was thinking of things to do. He was here to keep my company so it's gonna suck when he leaves but everything comes to an end eventually.

I don't know why all of a sudden I was super excited. This is the happiest I've been in about a week but Jake has visited before it's no different from the last.

I parked in the airport parking lot and walked into the big white building. I walked over to the arrivals waiting area and looked over the railing and people to find Jake.

"Arrivals from Ohio Flight 36 have arrived." Said the lady in the speakers.

I was jumping with excitement and had a wide smile across my face. The doors opened and in came the people on the flight. I saw people coming and hugging others and not long after I saw Jake wheeling over his suitcase with a tired look in his eyes.

Once he spotted me and I saw he began walking with a bit more speed and excitement.

"What's up Al'bitch." He said.

I laughed and we both came in for a hug.

"It's good to cya bud." I whispered in his ear. He held a tight but manly embrace before we parted.

"So, how you feeling?" He asked as we began walking back to my car.

"Awesome since you're here, but before it was just pretty normal and boring, how about you?" I Replied. I heard him giggle slightly at the first part of my sentence.

"Pretty boring for me too, my mom has been making me do this diet thing with her and it's really annoying because I can't eat my chicken nuggets now." He jokingly whined in which I laughed.

Once we finally made it to the car he loaded his suit case and carry on into the trunk and sat in the front with me. I could tell he was greatly tired even though it was only an hour flight.

"You look like shit." I said. He laughed and rubbed his eye.

"Why don't you take a nap till we get to my place, if you still feel tired then you can sleep in the guest room I made ready for you." I offered. I more insisted than anything.

"You sure? I think I can make it till we get to your place." He replied.

"No really, it's the middle of the day! We still have shit to do while your here alright? Just try and rest." I said. I could tell he really needed just to close his eyes and rest.

"Oh alright." He said. He started adjusting himself to get comfortable and lay his head on the window.

I started the car and tried to drive the car as smoothly as possible. We went over a speed bump which I didn't notice.

"Sorry..." I whispered. He didn't reply so I assumed he was already asleep.

It was so stressful trying to drive the car as smooth as possible. I know I didn't have to but... I actually didn't know why I was doing this not gonna lie.

My Lovely. (Jalbert)Where stories live. Discover now