Chapter 4

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“What do you want?” Niall asked earning a couple of playful slaps from all of the boys.

“Well, I wanted to apologize for my behaviour. If I knew you were the actual boys, I’d probably bottle up my dislike of you guys-“ I was interrupted by Louis coughing and muttering Liam.

“Well, mostly Liam,” I truthfully answered.

“I grew to liking you guys and I’m really sorry for all the hurtful words I said. But to be fair, I haven’t heard you sing live yet and I truthfully believe in Larry Stylinson,” Louis and Harry chuckled at this.

Louis spoke for the whole group when he said “We forgive ya on those.”

I looked at them questioningly.

Louis noticed my confusion and quickly added, “Mia,” with a mocking tone.

This is where my prior study of law in history class (random, I know) came in handy.

“I simply told you one of my names,” I said.

“My middle name is Mia,” I continued.

“Actually its Amelia,” Liam countered.

“Then fine, Mia is my middle name’s nickname,” I self-corrected.

“Technically, I didn’t do anything wrong,” I continued.

“Well, it felt like you lied,” Louis muttered.

“Fine, I’m sorry for that too but you guys lied about your names too. Can we start over?” I hopefully asked.

“Okay, we’re One Direction. You are?” Niall started.

“Rosettalyn Amelia Bloom,” I said chuckling at my last name even after so many years, it never fails to amuse me, “I am a New Yorker and have no clue what the hell I plan to do in the future. I have no talent in anything I know that I wish to acknowledge. Everyone calls me Rose. Everyone found it so ironic that I’m named after a flower. They found it too contradicting to my personality. I still accept Rosetta but no one really calls me that,”

“Nice to meet you,” they chorused.

I was about to ask them to sign the stuff in the duffel but was interrupted but an employee.

“Boys, the signing is about to start, please make your way to the stage,” He ordered.

The boys nodded to him. He scurried off to do more stuff.

The boys turned to me and Louis said, “Meet us after the show, ‘kay?”

I nodded the boys began to pile out the door but Liam stayed behind.

“I’m sorry and I know it won’t make a difference, but I’m really sorry. I’ll explain it the next time we’re alone,” He walked up to me and hugged me. I didn’t respond to the hug but let him embrace me for a couple of seconds. It felt nice. I always liked his hugs when we were nicer but this felt different, I felt butterflies in my stomach.

He whispered, “I missed you,” and let go of me. He exited out the door.

I was stunned for a couple of seconds and decided to make my way out too. After wandering for a couple of minutes and at one point being completely lost, I made it to the main room where a couple hundred girls hurried into a long twisting and turning line. I quickly took the last spot before another hundred of girls could take it. I plugged in my beats and began to plan Maroon 5’s “She Will Be Loved”.

It drowned out most of the girls but there was this stupid Barbie in front of me who seemed to be judging girls who were getting their albums signed. When I say judging, it was more of insulting since they found something bad about each person. I was planning to mind my business until a 6 year old girl waltz up and the girls insulted her and called her an attention seeking brat when she cried happy tears and Louis picked her up and hugged her.

Wake Up Call (A One Direction Fanfic) (Major Editing/On Hold)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu