I was eighteen now and I wasn't really focused on much other than getting out of high school. I had an aspiration to change the world. However, I wasn't exactly talented at much and still was in a way, 'finding myself'. I planned to take a year off to consider my options. I was one for justice, but I could never cut it out for a lawyer. I was great with kids in small groups, but I couldn't be a teacher; I'd be overwhelmed. I was okay at writing but just mediocre. I wasn't very sporty and the sports I was good at, I wasn't good enough at. I didn't have any talent at anything. Or at least, as far as I could see. I just needed to look harder.

I just hoped that I'd be able to drown out the screams of teenage girls.

I honestly didn't care for One Direction. They didn't seem worth my time. And honestly, with their accents and girls swooning over them, they seemed pretentious. I didn't hear much about them really but their music irked me. Their first hit song was basically the school's anthem in the hallways when monitors weren't around. It'd even gotten to the point where me and the boys of the school were mouthing it with a twisted face. It got annoying after awhile and I didn't particularly like it to begin with. Their was this song on their newest album though, I think it was called, Rock Me. I hated sexual innuendos and truthfully, the kids around nine who were idolizing these boys, made me question the world.

There were some other reasons but I particularly didn't like to discuss them. I think what really vexed me was how people reacted to them. They called them the next freaking Beatles. No. Hell no. Not them. No. Just... no. They weren't precisely 'sex gods' either. I'd seen better on TV. It made no sense to me. I never really kept up with music trends though lately. I was too oriented with my schoolwork to really care. I didn't really know them but they didn't seem to really have any affect on humanity in a substantial way. I won't judge though. I didn't know anything about them. The only thing I certainly hated that was somewhat related to them, how early I had to wake up. Before dawn seemed far too early for my taste.

I put my iPod on shuffle and 'Wake Me Up Before You Go Go' by WHAM! played. I laughed. Of course my iPod would play a song about waking up. I hummed to myself as I hopped into the shower after undressing. I was supposedly a good singer and my mother used to try to convince me to sing in front of our guests. I always refused and blushed profusely. I was never one for drawing attention to myself then. I wasn't really one now either. I did have my moments though when my anger got the best of me and I took out my frustrations... And when that happened, I usually recieved a spotlight from everyone in the area.

I stepped out of the warm stream of water and shut it off. I quickly grabbed my towel, wiped myself mostly dry and in one swift movement wrapped it around me. I ran out after grabbing my iPod and checking the time. Oh shoot, it was almost seven. I sighed. The line up was going to be long anyway and slowed down my pace. I guess my realization was a little too late and my damp feet slipped causing me to fall on my butt.

"Ow!" I yelled. A string of curses left my mouth that'd put a sailor to shame. I rubbed my bottom and I knew that'd bruise. I was somewhat sporty but I still had clutzy moments like this that made everyone forget my status on teams.

I stood up briskly and looked through my closet. It wasn't filled with much variety. Mostly band shirts, jeans and hoodies. I was never one to bring attention to myself so my clothing also followed my personality. Still, the whispers that followed me never seemed to stop.

An exception to my usual clothing was a cute light purple summer dress with a matching belt that reached to the top of my knees. I hated dresses. I never wore them unless I was forced. I was never one for fashion either but I had to admit, it was cute. I wouldn't buy it though in a store. My mother actually was the one to buy it for me. She had a dream of seeing me off to prom with the golden boy of the school on my arm and driving away in the night in a pristine shining limo. She told me though that she wouldn't let me go unless I had a boyfriend for some reason. I was confused but I didn't actually plan on having a relationship in high school anyway. The dress was an oddity yet I kept it. It really seemed like the only thing I had left of her. My father had mercilessly thrown her belongings away but I never let him touch the dress. It was the only thing I had left anymore.

Wake Up Call (A One Direction Fanfic) (Major Editing/On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now