"Fine! But there are going to be a few rules." I growled at his stupid depressed looking back. He spun around so fast that even I got dizzy. A huge smile spread across his face and he barreled his way towards me knocking me off my chair as he picked me up. He crushed me in a strong hug, squeezing the breath out of me. "Can't breath!" I gasped. He quickly put me down and took a small step back, smiling happily down at me. My heart skipped a few beats and then slowly began to pick up speed. "Now about these rules?" Lucas asked, raising his eyebrows at me.


"So I'm not allowed to touch you unless it's to help with the bet. I can't kiss you ever and I have to stop people from bullying you. Yeah, that last one I'm not going to lie, that's pretty much impossible." Lucas said.

I glared at him and he just gave me a sheepish smile while shrugging his shoulders. I'm not going to lie, that did hurt. I sighed in frustration. We have been going back and forth about how this was going to work for the past 2 hours. I mean it's not like we can just show up at school tomorrow and tell them all we're dating. That would never work, I mean it has to be at least a little believable and for that we have to fight and bicker like we always do and somehow make it look like we have "Chemistry". Ergh! This was already pissing me off and we haven't even started yet.

"Instead of having a plan why don't we just wing it? I mean it will help make it more believable and it will also help with getting you out of my house." I growled getting more annoyed. Lucas looked at me like that was the stupidest idea he has ever heard. "Well, what's your suggestion then genius? Since none of mine seem to be good enough for you." I said frustrated. Lucas just flashed me his stupid grin.


Finally! After 4 hours of planning, he was out of my house. I sluggishly pulled the covers back and fell onto my bed. It felt like I had just closed my eyes when my alarm began beeping at me to wake up. I stood in the shower for a good hour just thinking about Lucas' plan and how much I hated it. After my shower, I got changed into my uniform and made my way downstairs.

I parked my car in my usual spot and got out to wait for Ryder. I decided to play Helix Jump while I waited. I growled again as I died just before I finished level 40. Damnit! I heard the roar of a motorbike and put my phone away as I waited for Ryder. He parked next to me and slowly got off his bike while pulling off his helmet. I could feel him eyeing me up and down and I had to stop myself from letting my nervousness show.

He slowly made his way towards me. I tried to read the expression on his face but it was just blank, giving nothing away. He slung his bag over his right shoulder, held his helmet with his left hand and stopped right in front of me. "What happened?" He asked. I gave him a confused look which made his face sharpen and glare down at me.

I flinched away from him which caused him to take a step back like he thought I was scared of him. I saw his whole body drop and he turned away. I quickly reached out and grabbed his arm before he could walk away.

He turned his head away from me not meeting my eyes. I clutched his chin and forced him to meet my eyes. It took him a while before his eyes finally meet mine and I could see the sadness reflecting in them. I shook my head frantically before wrapping my arms around him and pulled him into a strong hug. Now I'm not much of a touchy-feely person but I hurt his feelings, so this calls for a change in attitude.

"I'm not afraid of you." I whispered up at him. He stayed stiff in my arms and didn't return the hug but I didn't let that stop me. I squeezed him to me tighter and just held him, burying my face in his solid chest. I heard him sigh before he put his helmet on the hood of my car and wrapped his arms tightly around me. He buried his face in my neck and I could hear him taking deep breaths. He pulled me tighter against his body and I loved every minute of it. He made me feel tiny. With his wide chest, tall build and solid frame. And let's be honest not many people could really do that.

We held each other not saying anything for what felt like forever. I finally pulled back slightly and looked him in the eyes. I could still see some of the sadness in his eyes but it had lessened now. There was also something else in his eyes But I couldn't quite work out what it was. I shrugged it off not wanting to work it out.

The bell rang just as he was about to say something. He sighed, picking up his bag and helped me off the hood of my car. I grabbed my bag that had been sitting next to me and we made our way towards the front door. We made a quick stop at our lockers before heading to our separate form classes. I gave him a quick hug which he returned and then we separated.


School really does suck! I mean I know you have to go so you can get a good job and all that but sometimes I really do just want to stab the person who came up with school. No! I want to stab the person who made school start at 8:30 am. That is the person that deserves to be strung up, stabbed a few times and then shot.

I sprang out of my seat when the bell for lunch rang and all but ran to my locker. I quickly shoved all my books into my locker before making my way to the cafeteria. I bought a couple american hot dogs, a fruit salad and a bottle of coke. I made my way to my normal table outside and saw Ryder was already sitting there waiting.

I noticed he had put his sandwiches on my side of the table and he had nothing in front of him. I pouted before setting my tray in front of him. He smirked knowingly at me before digging into my food. I grumbled dejectedly before slowly unwrapping my sandwich. I moaned in bliss. Today I had a simple egg sandwich.

Damn these taste good. Whoever made these are amazing in my books. I mean I don't mean to toot my own horn but I am a wicked cook. Then again I may be biased as I'm the only one who actually eats my own cooking. - Lucas ate your food last night and he enjoyed it. - The awesome voice in my head decided to remind me. If I could somehow figure out a way to b**** slap that stupid voice inside my head without it actually hurting me I would because some of the s*** it spewed out was just stupid.

Did it look like I was in the mood to think about that idiot Lucas? Especially since I have no idea what he plans to do about his stupid bet. Last night when I asked him if he had any bright ideas, he just gave me a stupid grin and said nothing. I swear to God I just about died from a heart attack right then and there. I had spent the next 4 hours trying to get that plan out of him but he wouldn't tell me anything. So all day today I have been watching out for him, in case he did anything stupid but so far nothing has happened.

I looked over at Ryder and saw he was drinking down the last of MY coke and all the food was gone. I blinked in surprise and looked down to see I had only just finished half of my FIRST sandwich. Damn this boy eats fast and I would know, there's a reason everyone still calls me a pig. I can at times polish off a full three-course meal in 5 minutes flat. I know not the most healthiest thing in the world but it usually only happens when I'm really depressed.

I heard an angry grunt and jerked out of my thoughts to see Ryder looking at me expectantly. "What?" I asked confused. Ryder just pointed at my second sandwich and his eyes stayed glued to mine. They filled with such an intensity that I couldn't turn away. I became lost and confused, trying in vain to figure out the emotions playing in his eyes. Slowly not breaking eye contact with me he reached out and grabbed my second sandwich.

He had just stuffed the last of his sandwich into his mouth and was reaching for the other half of the sandwich in my hands when I snapped out of my daze. I pulled the sandwich out of his reach and quickly finished it off before he could get to it. He glared at me and I grinned in triumph. I stood up quickly when I saw something mischievous flash in his eyes. I took a couple steps back away from him. When the next thing I know I'm being tackled to the ground.

Surprise flashes in his eyes and I try to turn to see who tackled me. Once I finally managed to turn onto my back, my eyes clashed with bright green eyes and that same stupid smirk I had seen last night. I knew instantly who had tackled me to the ground.


Why? I had no fucking idea but if he doesn't get off me soon, he is going to regret it. But before I could push him off me or even say anything. He leaned down and kissed me!

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