~*| Chapter 1 |*~

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The Principal Of The Thing adjusts his brown coat, pulling it closer to his shivering body as he walked among the bitter cold winter streets.

He paused a couple times to glance over at the frost nipped grass, the dirt now cold as stone and hard, preventing much from peering beneath the ground. The Principal tugged his coat slightly to press it closer as a soft yet frost nipping breeze fluttered past. He pushed forward and walked towards a school that was covered in frost. A tall, thin man with long white hair was tugging at the doors, before muttering something underneath his breath.

"Good morning, Sweepell." The Principal greets as he approaches the frustrated janitor. Gotta Sweep, also known as Sweep, was shivering at the doors, his lips pursed as he stepped back.

"The doors are frozen shut, Boss." Sweep skipped his warm reply with a blunt response. "We're locked out."

The Principal ran a finger along the door handle of the school, before giving it a tug. "Did you unlock it?"

Sweep looked offended. "Do you think I'm that stupid?"

The doors suddenly rammed from inside, and it exploded open, almost hitting Sweep and the Principal in the face. A Bald teacher with a green sweater pulled on was standing there. "Had to give them a good kick to open them." He laughed, leaning against the side to allow the Janitor and Principal to enter. "Come on in."

"Thank you, Professor Baldimore." The Principal chirped, stepping inside. "I thought we were going to have to teach outside."

"Not necessary." Baldi responds with a cheerful smile. "I managed to get to the school first before this chill did, though I didn't realize it would be this cold."

The Principal scoffed. "It's in the middle of winter, Baldimore. I'm not going to be surprised if a blizzard comes during the school hours."

"Please don't jinks it." Sweep Groaned, pulling off his white coat and shaking it off. "It's freezing in here! Didn't you turn on the heating?"

Baldi blinked. "The heatings not working. Maybe we are teaching outside, just with a roof over our heads." He snickered, though Sweep gave him a dirty look.

"I'll have people look into it after school. For now, get to your stations." The Principal ordered. I'm not taking this jacket off, though. It's too cold to even move in here. The Principal thought, though he was concerned that the students may be affected by the lack of heating. Education is more important than heating. Maybe Baldi could get them to run a few laps around the gym, that could warm them up. Thought The Principal, before giving a satisfied nod at that idea. 

The Principal began to walk down the hall, pushing his hands into his pockets, and allowing his thoughts to stray away from the heating problem. Thinking about it only makes it feel and seem worse. Thank goodness that Baldi was in the building, though I am curious as to why he decided to enter the building so early. I can ask him later, but for now, I suppose I can work on paper until the students get here. The students will be breaking the rules and I do think I'm going to have to give a lot of detentions. But they will also be complaining.

The Principal decided to avoid his office and enter the school's detention room. It was a bit warmer within those walls, but it was still cold. He sat down at the main desk in front of the classroom, cursing when he saw papers out of place. As he cleaned it up, he glanced up at the wall. Professor Baldi. His favorite teacher, Baldi, has a picture of him in the Detention Room. To honor his hard work, that is. Baldi is his favorite teacher simply because of his hard work.

All students pass his class.

He doesn't know where the other students who doesn't go, except for the occasional ruler hitting flesh, then a scream. But The Principal never questioned it, thinking it was just a method used on students to teach them better. Baldi has amazing hearing, though. He could tell who opened the door and what room the door opens to. The Principal has amazing eye sight, though, and could catch if a student was running in the halls, or breaking school rules. They already have the signature troublemaker that a school needs, so they don't need anymore of them. Otherwise, it creates an imbalance between the work The Principal created to make this school perfect.

Baldi was among their only teachers who actually does a fantastic job. Of course, there's Arts and Crafters, who's shy and anti-social. Arts and Crafters runs the Art room, teaching students how to create beautiful works of art as well as projects that busy students. Seeing their art around the school makes the Principal proud. Gotta Sweep, their Janitor, does a splendid job at keeping their school clean. He always had his signature green broom with him, and he even looks like the broom. The guy is a giant, much more taller than Baldi and the Principal. His long white hair with a splash of green on the left side of his bangs made him look like the broom. And Sweep's red eyes made him even more unique. Of course, The Principal has black eyes, and so does his sick daughter, Playtime, but The Principal could easily excuse them for being a dark shade of brown.

There was a knock on the Detention door, making the Principal peer up. "Come in." He called.

Baldi walked in, gently closing the door behind him. "The Detention room's heating is somewhat working, isn't it." He laughed. "At least I know where to go If I ever want to feel warm again."

"It's better than the rest of the school." Responds The Principal in his monotoned voice, crossing his legs and folding his hands as he straightened. "Do you need something?"

Baldi nods. "A few blankets for my classroom? It's freezing inside it, and I don't want to risk having the students get a cold in it. Are you sure we can't just cancel school until we fix the heating?"

"The blankets can be supplied by the Nurse, and we can't cancel school just because we have a simple heating problem." The Principal argued. "It's simply intolerable."

"I know you're all with education and learning, and don't get me wrong, I love it too. But risking the students getting sick or ill could end up with us being forced to close down until the heating problem is fixed with a lot of angry parents at us. Playtime is even ill from the cold."

"My side of the family has a problem with getting sick too easily." The Principal responds. "But it's not a problem. I'm going to be calling the company who fixes our heaters soon, so they could start right away. I'm positive the school can survive a couple hours being cold."

Baldi sighed. "I guess. The blankets are in the nurses office?"

"They should be. If not, I don't mind running out to grab more blankets from the store." The Principal leans back in his chair. "Anything else, Professor Baldi?"

Baldi pondered. "I believe we do need some blankets. We have to supply for the whole school, and I'm sure the Nurse only has enough for a couple classrooms. You don't mind running out to fetch more?"

"Not at all. Education is important enough to spend money on a few blankets." The Principal responds.

"Excellent. You should probably start then, since school will be beginning in about 20 minutes." Baldi clapped his hands. "I'll grab those blankets."
The Principal nods and stands up, dusting himself off. "One more thing?" Baldi suddenly states.


Baldi turned away to face the door, opening it before looking back. "You have beautiful eyes."

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