chapter two Part: one

Start from the beginning

After practice a couple of times I'd invite the team over. I had ice packs for everyone and film on the team we were going to be playing today, snacks, and we even did homework together a couple of times. Before I didn't have a problem with any of the girls I just didn't have a relationship with them outside of basketball practice and games. It's the complete opposite now, now they won't leave me the hell alone.  Its cool though I guess, at least I have someone other than Santana and Austin to talk to now. Some of the stuff I do with them is shit I wish I could do with my mom but yeaaah, fuck that bitch. She still hasn't even called to check up on me.

After putting on my uniform, I sat down to put on my shoes. After lacing those up I went to go close the shoe box but there was a piece of paper that caught my attention. Picking it up I noticed it was a note so I began reading this.

"if your reading this you're obviously at the dome or on your way there and I just wanted to let you know I'm so proud of you sis and I just wanted to let you know regardless of what we've been through I envy you for not giving up or doing some reckless shit. Keep playing ball cuz it's your way up out of this stupid ass city. Not going to make this long just wanted to let you know I love you like a fat kid loves cake, and even though I'm only a few months older than you you'll always be my BABY sister and I'll always be there for you" –Ant.

....."He broke his promise" I thought to myself. He's not here for me over a stupid color and a stupid hood. I folding the piece of paper back up neatly and put it back in the shoe box.  I took my pink beats by Dre off my head, immediately cutting off 'Dream chaser' by Meek Mill. As my coach started his famous annoying ass pre game talk, I look at the board and notice I was no longer in the starting 5 for this game. I wanted to flip this whole fucking locker room upside down honestly. I started to tap my leg, in hopes to calm me down but I guess it visibly didn't work because Jasmine began rubbing my back.   After everyone left one of the nights I held one of the little get togethers for the team she stayed back and helped me clean. After us telling each other about our lives I learned I'm not the only one who goes through the shit I go through. I guess in a way were more than team mates. She even went on a couple of runs with me. It actually felt good to open up to someone else since I never do it. Half of the time Santana and Austin already know what's up with me when I'm down, there's never any speaking; they just try to cheer me up.

He finished his stupid ass talk and are now taking the long as walk from the locker room to the court. Once we came around the side of the stands I was over whelmed with the amount of college coaches here today which instantly made me nervous. Then I looked a little to the left and seen Austin, Santana and his parents who managed to come before leaving out of town, Austin's best friend Isiah who I call my god brother now, and some of Austin's team mates. That instantly made me happy, a happy I damn sure haven't felt in a while.  "Let's go Poota butt" Austin yelled trying to embarrass me but it didn't work this time. I was just happy he was here to even say it.

It was now time to warm up. We did our close out and stance drill. It was now time to get some shots up. We started off with lay ups; the easy part. Making two on each side. It was now time to shoot. Passing to the ball to Jasmine, I jogged down to the 3 point line; free throw line extended and called for the ball. Getting it back I shot it, it looked like it was going in but it didn't even touch the rim.  "Fuck" I mouthed jogging over to the other line embarrassed. The first shot I took in the dome I air balled in front of thousands of people. "Use your legs Poota" my god brother yelled. It was now time for me to shoot again, calling for the ball and taking his advice bent my knees and jumped releasing the ball at the top all I heard was "cuff" indicating that I just made a shot at the Tacoma Dome. I was too hyped and I need to chill. It was only warm ups and I damn sure am not starting today. So I humbled myself and got in line for  the 3 on 2 drill.

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