Chapter Two: That unconcious dude

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A/N: Everyone: Welcome to the second chapter!

Elsie: Hi everyone! As I'm typing this...I ran out of lines. Ack! What should I say?

Sunny: -is on vacation this chapter-

Sam: BWAHAHAHAHA! Beware our insanity! Its contagous! :D

DISCLAIMER: We still don't own this...*hides in dark-looking corner and sulks*

Elsie's Pov~


'Ow." I tried to get up, but someone (probably Sunny) was on top of me.

"Hey, watch where you put your foot!" I heard Sam cry.

"Sorry." Sunny moved.


"Are you alright?"

"Um...sorry to interrupt..." I said nonchalantly. "But, could you mind getting off me first?"

"Oh yeah. Right. Good idea." Sunny got off me, and I got up.

"Why was I at the bottom?" I complained.

"It's dark in here!" Sam said. Her eyes were glistening with excitement. "I smell an adventure!"

"Adventure!" I echo.

"Let's figure out where we are first." Sunny pointed up. "I'm assuming we came from there."

"Ick...I don't wanna remember that." Toilet-traveling is really not my thing.

"Let's explore!" Sam was jumping up and down from excitement.

"Yeah! Let's explore!" I shout.

"Alright, let's explore." Sunny gave in.

Sam's Pov!~

The three of us, after Elsie and I got Sunny to join, began to skip in a random direction with our arms linked. We didn't want to be seperated and...well we just wanted to do it.

So it was no surprise when, as we tripped over something, all of us fall together in a heap.

With a groan, I sat up rubbing my head.

"Bloody Gehenna. What the-" I froze, eyes widening as I looked at the unconcious man a few feet ahead of me.

"OMFG IT'S SHIRO-CHAN!" I shrieked at the same time Elsie screamed, "OMG IT'S THE PALADIN DUDE!"


Sunny fainted.

Elsie's Pov...yet again~



"Ok...but what about Sunny?" I calmed down and spoke normally.

"We have to carry both of them out of here?" Sam asked.

I nodded solemly, or as solemn as you can get when you've found someone in an anime that shouldn't exist in reality and your friend just fainted and you don't know where the hell you are and you just recently fell in a toilet and got flushed here.

To sum it up, I wasn't solemn at all.

"We have to get out of here as soon as possible!" I said.

Sam put Sunny on her back. "You get Shiro-chan."

"The Paladin Dude? Fine with me." I grabbed him and put him on my back.

"Do you have a plan?" I asked.

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