Chapter 1: The Girl

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Girl named trinity was a normal teenage girl she lived a great normal life but one day she decided to go to the woods but after that no one new where she went. 1 Day before (trinity) Hey mom I am so pumped for my first day of school can't wait I just wanna see my friends and talk to them about stuff that happened over the summer (mom) I hope you have fun at school tomorrow but I feel like you're brother isn't that excited (trinity) is ok mom he's just probably stressed but everything will be fine. (Narrator) After hours trinity was texting her friends telling them about something she saw in the woods she's gonna go check it out tomorrow. (trinity) hey Damon do you have that watch you gave me last week (Damon) yea here but why do you want it (trinity) I just thought I would show my friends tomorrow (Damon) oh ok I really don't feel like going to school sis i am kinda worried people will laugh at me or make fun of me (trinity) is ok bro everything is gonna be fine. [the next day] (mom) wake up trinity wake up Damon!! breakfast is ready better hurry up or you are gonna be late for your first day of school (trinity) hey mom after so I am gonna go to my friends house is that ok? (mom) yes honey of course (trinity) thanks mom {-in her head-}
I'm actually going to the woods. [they get to school] (trinity) hi Jocelyn I've been wanting to talk to you like I know we were texting but it isn't the same as in person you know. I'm going to the woods later do you wanna come? (Jocelyn) no thanks I have thing to do after school maybe another day? (trinity) oh ok yea it's fine [5 hours pass] (trinity) damn I hope I find something interesting thing in the woods  {-midnight-} (trinity) damn is really dark wait what is that [she sees a light she gets closer but then it drags her]
End of book 1

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