[7]: Room Of Requirement, 7:30

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Harry and Ron peeked around the corner. No one. The sneaked over to a wall, and a door appeared. They went in to find Neville, Luna, Ginny, and Hermione sitting on a couch, sipping on hot coco.

"Not a word to Hermione." Ron muttered quietly.

"Don't worry about me." Harry gritted his teeth.

"How'd you two get here?" Ron asked Ginny and Luna.

"Hermione open up a tunnel leading into our bedrooms." Ginny said brightly. "Just like the one to the Ab's pub in six years."

"Great." The two boys sat down.

"What have you guys been doing the last four hours we've been gone?" Harry asked jokingly.

Luna grinned. "I made Cauldron Cakes for the Tinny Toulders in the river."

Ginny rolled her eyes. "As soon I got home I busted out all the brooms. None as good as my Saturn 260 in the future, though."

Harry smirked. Ron frowned. "You better not break mine."

Hermione raised her eyebrows. "You have a better one in the future."

"Auntie Muriel have it to me?" Ron told her.

"Oh, right, you still have a picture of her under your pillow." Ginny taunted.

Leaving the siblings to their bickering, Harry turned to Neville.

"How you been doing?"

Neville smiled. "I think I'll be doing better in class this time around."]

Harry laughed. "I think Hermione's the only one who will pay attention. The rest of us will just be lazily people who do really well in class."

They talked for an hour before Harry, Neville, Ron, and Hermione had to go before Percy caught them out of bed. Ginny said that Mol- Mrs. Weasley needed her to help on the Weasley Christmas Jumpers. Luna said she just wanted to work on painting the portraits back on the ceiling.

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