Orian hates asking for help, if she knows she can't do something that others can do easily, she'll refuse to do it no matter the punishment or just downright avoid it, all in fear of looking stupid in front of others.

Despite her seemingly 'I don't need anyone/I'm better than you' attitude, she truly does care about people, she isn't purposely mean to anyone unless they are deserving of it. It's the way she words her sentences that makes her seem like a right old arsehole. She's honest and very trustworthy and would never break a promise.

Although it's not like Orian to involve herself with the drama of someone else's life, if she can offer advice or help she will.

She honestly tries to be kind, like her brother has always told her, through Orian has gotten more patient with people other the years, sometimes people just annoy her with their 'idiotic' ideas, she says one sentence that isn't worded in the best way, and suddenly she's got a detention for 'verbally attacking another student'.


• Experimenting [Orian's way of saying Inventing. She enjoys creating new and complex technology.]

• Hacking [She loves testing her limits, her next project is to try and get into Stark Towers.]

• Repairing technology / mechanical objects.


Her arrogance can make her challenging to work with. She's usually fine with following someone else's lead so long as they have their facts straight and know what they are doing. But if they are constantly getting facts or whatnot wrong Orian will speak out and correct them in a way that would come across as domineering, that can cause tense within the group.

She is so used to being right that when someone comes around that can prove Orian wrong, it really gets to her. She can't mentally handle being wrong, when she's wrong she feels like a lesser person, she feels weaker. She doesn't have physical strength, she doesn't have endurance, she's got intelligence. And when someone proves her wrong she feels like someone is taking away her intelligence. It destroys her. She'll hand out no sharp comments, no dirty looks, she goes uncharacteristically quiet.

Scared of heights, pretty common fear, but it gets to her. When she's at heights it doesn't matter how smart she is, she can't get her brain to think straight. Her ability to adapt is greatly hindered at heights.


Obviously, her smarts and know-how with technology are up there at the top of her strengths. She's very loyal and trustworthy, she may be arrogant but she would never break a promise.

Orian is quite strong emotionally, there are only a handful of things that can mess her emotions up out of her control, but she is generally pretty good at keeping her emotions at bay so her intellect can make logical and reasoned choices.

Deep down inside Orian just wants to better the world, be that by either creating new and innovative technology to help people or just giving out helpful realistic advice to those around her. This is pushing her to not only to test her limits with technology, but also to continue to try and better herself, so she can break the arrogant asshole mould she made for herself, and perhaps become someone who can inspire.


Orian is an extremely skilled technopath she more or less knows her limits and when she can do things. Her technopathic abilities have a massive range of 300 miles, she was proved this by successfully using her abilities to mentally hack into a satellite in space, sure it took two months and several hundred headaches but she did it.

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