Loki - Home

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I was walking in the cold streets of New York, my hands in my pockets and my face half buried in the thick scarf I wore.

It was the typical cold, busy night. The cars honking, the traffic unbelievably bad, the weather on its worse, normal things.

My car was broken so I couldn't drive it, my dad was fixing it in the morning as I went to work. Walking. It's like working wasn't bad enough.

I sighed as I felt the hot breath reverse back on my nose and lips. My hair was French braided, a black hat with a pink pom pom on the top. The jacket  was black as well, matching my hat.

I was wearing a grey baggy sweater underneath, matching with black jeans. Looks like almost everything I was wearing was black today.

The place I work at was warm. It was so warm I didn't need to wear too much clothing to keep my temperature steady.

My legs almost gave out from how much I walked, how much time I was standing up in the painful eight hours of working. I missed the bus in the morning and in the night.

In the morning, it was because I got up late. My dad kept me up all night last night teaching me how to fix a car when really, I didn't give a shit.

At night, I missed the bus because my boss gave me a whole load bunch of shit to do. Including papers I needed to read and check.

I saw a bench close by in a park, so I hurriedly walked to it and sat down, relief washing over me.

I felt my feet almost explode. They were aching so bad, I didn't think I'd be able to walk back home until I rest for a while. No way in hell they will be able to hold me up for that long.

The park was lit by beautiful colorful lights, the grass covered in snow that just came down, the flowers beautifully holding a few cold, small, icy frosts.

I smiled as I forgot about my aching feet for a little bit, comfortably resting my back on the cold wood of the bench.

I inhaled deeply as I felt relaxed, the park was almost empty, leaving no one but me and a couple of other people far away.

I closed my eyes and felt warm, the winds not crashing onto my face as I walked in the opposite direction of it. No, the wind was now behind my back, blowing on my hair and neck.

I sat there for a while, even through the noisy, busy streets, it felt peaceful for some odd reason. My eyes were still closed, yet I didn't feel tired. Or maybe I didn't feel tired at that moment, too scared to fall asleep on that bench.

Behind me were a few trees the citizens decided to plant a few months ago. Long, beautiful thick trees.

In front of me was a huge playground where I'd occasionally find kids playing there since my house was just down the street and I'd go past this park everyday to and back from work.

I knew this park inside and out, I always came here when I was a kid. It was my favorite place to be at the time, and I'm glad because this is one of the most memorable places I have, and one of the most important places in my heart. So many memories here I thought.

Just as I was about to smile when I remembered a funny memory I had here, I felt the sudden harsh hand wrap around my mouth

My eyes shot open as my heart started beating in horror, my body growing hotter by the second as I recognized the man in front of me.

The famous Loki, the one who came to New York all those years ago to destroy it with an army of aliens.

"I'm gonna remove my hand, if you scream I'll kill you" He said in a growl as he studied my face. I nodded in horror, before he slowly removed his hand away

"What's your name, Midguardian?" He asked. "Y/N" I said as my breathing somehow slowed a bit

"Well Y/N, I'm sure you know of me" He said as he crouched down in front of me "who doesn't" I answered.

"Now Y/N, I very much will appreciate it if you take me to the Avengers" he said plainly as he looked around.

I suddenly had the urge to laugh, but instead I let out a chuckle. His eyes snapped back at me, his face all serious and mad

"What's so funny, Misguardian?!" He hissed. "You think I will?" I asked. I worked at the Avengers Tower, my loyalty belonged to the true heroes of this miserable place.

"If you don't I'll ki-"

"Kill me? Yeah, you said that before" I don't know where all this confidence came from, it just came out.

I sighed as I saw his face. He was bruised, his clothes badly ripped and dirty, I had mercy for this guy.

"I can take you home though" his eyes furrowed as he held a confused expression "home?" He asked.

I nodded my head "Home" he looked at the grass beneath us for a moment, like he was astonished by the word.

"Come on" I said as I stood up, putting my arm out as to hold my hand. He looked up at me then down at my hand for a second

"It's okay, I won't bite" I teased. "Bite? What are you, some kind of animal?" He asked as he stood up

"Jesus, you're so not fun" I said as I rolled my eyes, my hand holding his cold ones. I knew another unoccupied way to go back to my house even though it was just a street away.

I started walking towards the alley, going into the dark atmosphere it held. "Where are we?" He asked. "A more unpopular way back to my house"

The place was creepy yes, but it felt safe with him by me. Everyone is New York feared the Asgardian, so I used it to my own good.

The alley was so much closer to my house then the popular street I take everyday, which made me and him arrive in less than a few minutes.

"That's your house?" He asked as he stood in front of it. I hummed in response and pulled him with me to the door step, taking out my keys in my pockets and fiddling with them until I found the right one.

I unlocked the door, opening it as it revealed the calm, relaxing light in the living room in front of the door.

"Shoes off" I warned as I took off my own. He rolled his eyes and took off his boots, throwing them carelessly where I put mine at.

I closed the door after him, locking it with the keys and the lock inside. I took off my jacket, scarf and hat, hanging them by the door.

"Come on" I said as I walked upstairs. He followed me, his eyes trailing along the furniture. We walked upstairs, reaching my bedroom.

I opened the door, a faint light coming from the lamp near my bed. The house was warm, which probably also surprised him.

I went to my closet, opening the two doors as it revealed my hanged up clothes.

I searched through the closet, trying to find the shirt and sweats I never got to give back to my Ex boyfriend.

After what felt like hours of searching, I finally found them. The grey sweatpants and the black sweater, perfect.

I took them and smiled to myself, feeling like I achieved an impossible goal. I turned around, handing Loki the clothes. He slowly took them from my hands, examining the clothes

"What are these.. things?" He asked. "Those, my dear Asgardian are clothes. Put them on" he looked at me and tried studying my face again for any sign of danger or whatever was going on in his head

"Look, if I were to kill you, I would've done it by now, don't you think?"

I think there is a good side to Loki. I truly do. I don't think he's this monster everyone thought he was. I just think he hasn't been loved like his brother was.

He finally found home.

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