"Moscato" I whispered, dropping my bags. The candles were lit as we arrived late in the evening. It was the perfect romantic moment, but Colby and I were not romantic at the moment.

I knew Colby didn't hear me as he starred at the details in the room. I sighed, sitting on the couch with the room service menu. I just couldn't handle this. Maybe I should quit and sneak out in the middle of the night and go back to uni. I don't think Colby would care. He doesn't care right now.

To my surprise, Colby dropped his bags next to mine and sat down next to me, draping my legs over his. I flinched and tensed at the action, not feeling so safe around Colby as I once use too.

"How about dinner and bath and we open that bottle?" He whispered, burying his face in my neck.

"Y-yeah sure"

I felt Colby frown against my skin. "Is everything okay?" He asked, lifting his head to face me. Was he not aware of the tension between us?

I nodded, "just tired." I looked at him briefly before going back to the menu.

"You know, maybe one day we'll be in a room like this with me taking off your white dress" Colby said and my head shot up.

Wait, what? This is a honeymoon suite, is he talking about marriage? He's talking about marriage and I'm thinking of him cheating and me leaving. Classic.

"Maybe" I mused back before picking up the pink phone. Of course it's pink.

We did exactly as Colby said. We ate dinner, and drank the bottle of wine in the giant spa bath with bubbles. I felt confused as I sat between his legs. What was going on? My mind was all over the place. I couldn't actually believe that in my mind I was starting to fear Colby. Everything was getting too much, and I didn't know how much longer I could cope.

"You're tense, you need to relax" Colby said in a seductive voice as he kissed along my shoulder and collar bone.

"Not tense just tired" I whispered.

Colby shook his head, "let me work off some of this tension" he said before shifting my legs apart.

I awoke to Colby's poor attempt at trying to close the door quietly. I shot up to see him trying to sneak in, throwing his gym bag down.

"You're up" Colby said, wiping his forehead with his shirt. Those muscles. I hummed in response, pulling the sheets further up my body.  "I've got signings all day at the arena before raw tonight, what are you going to do?" He asked, stripping of his clothes.

"I'll probably revise for my assessment" I replied, wrapping the sheets around me and getting out of bed. "Speaking of" I said, and Colby turned from the bathroom doorway to look at me. "Wanna let me use my practice needles on you" I winked.

A slight look of horror flashed over Colby's face before he nodded his head. "Of course, anything to help you."

Colby wasn't lying when he said he had signings all day. We got the arena at 12, and he's been at it ever since. I on the other hand went wandering around the arena, looking for a quiet spot to revise. Despite the fact crew were running around like mad to set everything up for raw tonight, I managed to find a quiet corner near the back entrance behind a load of crates.

Essentially, I was shielded from everyone by the crates as I ran over the codes and standards of conduct and needle techniques. I was trying to fill my brain with every bit of information I could possibly need for tomorrow. I don't know how much time had passed, but it felt like nothing was going in. All I saw was words and no meaning. This is what happens before I am consumed in panic attacks.

Taking a breath, I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see that it was 6:30pm. I was flooded in notifications from Colby asking where'd I was. Had I really being hiding behind this crate for six hours?

"There you are" I jumped and turned to see Colby walking towards me. "I've been looking for you" he said, panic evident I his voice.

"I just found somewhere quiet to revise" I whispered. Colby nodded, wrapping his arms around me.

"Nattie was looking for you as you weren't in the treatment room." My head shot up. I had completely forgotten about the superstars. Raw starts in less than an hour. Oh god.

"Oh my god, I've got to go" I rushed out, pulling myself out of Colby's arms and gathering my textbooks and note books.
Colby didn't have a chance to say anything as I ran through the corridors to the treatment room. I could tell by the footsteps that Colby was following me.

After apologising one hundred times to Nattie, I strapped my knee and she went off to finish getting ready for her match.

"You need to calm down or you're going to end up a patient" Colby scolded, taking the textbook form my hand. I tried to get in study between patients, but Colby wasn't having it.

"But-" I tried to protest.

"But nothing" he said in a warning tone. I poured and looked at the floor.

He lifted my chin up, "now, I'm going to go get ready then you can practice okay?" I nodded and Colby kissed my forehead before leaving to change.

As I waited for Colby to return, I sat one one of the beds and held my hand up to the light. The diamond shone against it making me sigh. I regretted everything I thought in the car. This wouldn't be the end of us and I needed to stop thinking that way.

Colby returned, ready for his match with a smirk. "Alright nurse, take some of my blood."

I laughed, shaking my head at him. "Lay down and get comfortable" I said pointing to the bed. Colby followed my instructions and I retrieved my practice needles from my bag.

"Are you nervous?" I asked, clipping the strap above his ante cubital.

He shook his head proudly, "nope." He smirked.

I shook my head and tried to get into professional mode. "So I'm just going to quickly take some blood, relax your arm and breath" I told him, tapping his arm for a vein. Thankfully, Colby has well defined veins thanks to his workouts which made my job easier. Picking up the fake needle, I placed it in position and focused.

"You're doing really well, nearly done" I told him as I changed tubes. Placing a dot bandage over the "needle mark", I unclipped strap and faced him. "You did really well, do you feel faint at all?" I asked, trying to be in 'nurse mode'.

"Not at all nurse" he smirked before sitting up. "Why didn't you tell me that Catalina was your real name?" He asked in a whisper, making me nearly drop the needle.

I knew this was coming.

"I was going too" I said and Colby gave me a look. "I was, but I was waiting for the right time, the right time for me" I confessed, grabbing hold of the hands of my love. "I was going to take you to the cat cafe and be like ooh cats my actual first name is Catalina."

Colby burst into laughter, "oh this is why I love you." He stooped laughing and looked at me.

"You love me?"

I didn't actually mean for them to have the mini argument, it wasn't in my plan it just kinda happened.


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edited - 15/08/2018

Recovery // Seth Rollins Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora