Chapter 17 - "The Second Dragon"

Start from the beginning

(Crazy Person): "Grr... I'll destroy all of you... I'll destroy every last one of you who keeps getting in my way!!"

Draiz appears from under the dragon that the young man rode, and slammed it! Knocking the rider from his mount.

(Crazy Person): "Gaah!!"

Draiz: "This is... for my brother!!"

Draiz's body started to glow red, and the temperature around him was rising. The second the young man realized what was going on, Draiz tackled him.But instead of being hurled away, the young man split into two! Each half of his body, where he was split, showed tiny sparkles, like small stars ranging from orange to red.

Draiz: "Brother... I-......"

Draiz fell from the skies, and Arufaz caught him before his fall sped up.

Arufaz: "Draiz..."


The next day...

Draiz(opening his eyes): "Huh? Hah! W-where am I?!"

Frick: "Relax. You're still not in heaven, so be proud."

Draiz: "Huh? Wait... you look familiar..."

Frick: "What?! Are you saying that you don't remember me?!"

Draiz: "I don't bother."

Strazz(joining in the conversation): "Same old Draiz. It seems that you still haven't grown up, yet."

Draiz: "Ahh!! You're...!!"

Strazz: "Ho? Do you remember me?"

Draiz: "You're that human who muzzled my snout!! I'll kill you!!"

Strazz: "Waah! That's what you remember?!!"

As Draiz tried to lunge at Strazz, some mysterious force stopped him from midair!

Mara(with her glowing orb): "Alright. That's quite enough."

Arufaz: "Looks like your fully back in shape, huh, Draiz...?"

Draiz: "Huh? Back in shape? What do you mean?"

Mara: "You attempted to use the power of a Solar Storm."

Draiz: "What?"

Mara: "Despite being called a 'storm', a Solar Storm isn't actually a storm. Though, I'm surprised that you managed to use such a power. Is there more to the term of 'Storm Dragon' than meets the eye? Can you use any power as long as it has 'storm' in it? I must know..."

Mara approaches Draiz while he's still stuck mid-air. Draiz makes an effort to resist, but she's already at arms length!

Arufaz: "Mara..."

Mara: "I know... I know. Draiz, Arufaz will be leaving."

Draiz: "Huh?"

Mara: "He wants to be alone so he can sleep well."

Draiz: "Huh? What?!"

Mara: "He'll go to a place where his sleep won't be disturbed."

Draiz: "Arufaz!! Why?!"

Arufaz: "I thought Mara already explained it to you..."

Draiz: "But, why?!!"

Arufaz: "There's no point in continuing this conversation... Mara..."

Mara: "Right."

With Mara's orb, Arufaz disappeared and was sent somewhere else.

Mara: "I placed a seal on him, so that nothing, not even my powers, can possibly find and go to him. But, once he wakes up, he'll soon get transported back to Mount Everlast. So, do wait for some time, little one."

 Draiz: "Don't call me 'little'!! Ahh!!! What am I supposed to do in a human settlement?!! Hey! I know! I can just eat some more humans!!"

Strazz: "You will do no such thing!"

Draiz: "And who's gonna stop me?!! You?!"

Draiz continues on with his squables, while Mara looks closely at her orb.

Mara: "Something is about to be awakened... "

Inside Mara's orb holds an image of something white. It seems to be a dragon with white scales, but... why does its expression hold so much rage?


(Next Chapter Preview): "Break Time"

Draiz: "Reign of Thunder!"

Lars: "When are you gonna eat me?"

Mara: "Hmm... there seems to be some sort of curse implanted behind this cloak."

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