Chapter 2: Anger

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Darkness surrounded him as he crawled silently through the maze like air vents, ever grateful of his double joints and lithe, cat like body. He could hear furious yelling already, and he hadn't even started yet. Could Nakamori-keibu get any louder? The language as well. Did the fine inspector even care about the four children who were most likely stood near him right now? He dreaded to think what sort of colourful language these kids were learning right now. Sheesh.

Cracking a sly grin as he spotted the right grate before him, he deftly dropped a tiny grey pellet into the crowd below, before crawling further along, removing another little grate and dropping down onto the glass case silently as the smoke cloud began to clear. He wore his normal uniform; startling white suit, white dress trousers, white top hat with blue ribbon, monocle over his right eye, and his famous hang glider-cape draped over his shoulders. He was also wearing his creepy grin, one that screamed 'I'm enjoying this little game. But it's a bit easy, ya know?' That infuriated every cop within a two mile radius instantly.

Of course, one particularly foul mouthed, dedicated inspector initiated the usual dog-pile method, which never worked. (honestly, when would they learn?). Kaitou Kid smirked as he easily dodged them, showing off as he pulled off the impossible again by reaching in through the glass to snatch today's target; a sparkling emerald called the Skye's Eye. Of course, sleeping gas and smoke grenades were everywhere tonight, and the thief made it out of the room easily. However, Kaito knew escaping to the roof and escaping the building itself wouldn't be so simple.

     He set off a few of his tricks on the way up the stairs, laughing madly when he heard the various curses and shouts as most of his precious task force fell for his traps again. There were one or two who'd actually learnt by now, but he wasn't worried; he had a special surprise for them. He didn't want anyone following him as far as the roof tonight, not even his Tantei-kun. If Saguru was right, (which he often was about this sort of thing) then he could expect to see Snake and at least one sniper tonight.

          He cackled gleefully as his remaining pursuers got ensnared in the final trap; a complicated maze of wires and netting, that was designed so that no adult could get past without tripping or getting caught up in the netting. Kaito always left child sized openings in these kinds of traps so his Tantei-kun could always get by. He'd never forget the only time the kid had been caught in one.

        He'd never seen the young detective so downright terrified in his life, and it'd worried the thief enough that he'd ensured his Tantei-kun would always be able to avoid tripping those particular traps from then on. That wasn't to say he'd forgotten to think up other contingencies to counter the genius not-child though.

      (Yes. That's right. Kaito knew about Conan. About Shinichi. He'd figured it out back at the imperial Easter egg incident, with 'Conan' later confirming in the fire after the tiny detective had stopped scorpion. That... had been scarily close. Even for them. Kaito had earned a good burn-scar on his left leg for that. Luckily in a place that was not easily seen.)

          Kaito sighed as he made it to the final door without a single distraction. His heists were just a tad easy without Tantei-kun or Saguru chasing him, though both detectives always stopped short of actually arresting him. Saguru obviously didn't want his boyfriend behind bars, and well.... Tantei-kun was Tantei-kun.

     Kaito had more hope of understanding Akako, which said a lot. Understanding a normal genius was hard enough. Kudo Shinichi? He was more complex than Kaito, with an intellect that far surpassed  Saguru's and a past Kaito didn't even want to know. How did a teenager, especially one as famous as Kudo Shinichi not only melt into the woodwork, but so effectively become a child ten years his junior? Yeah. He wasn't going to go there. He probably didn't want to know.

Through the eyes of a dove (version 0.5) and other Drabbles. (DC/MK1412)Where stories live. Discover now