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I awoke in a frenzy and darted to the Curtis house. Darry was making breakfast, while Ponyboy was showering and Soda was still asleep.

"Lacy, I'm glad Soda has you. Since he is getting drafted he has another love to protect, and fight for. He has more reason, and love now."

"Thank you Darry."

"Hey, if you want Soda is still asleep so you might could wake him up."

I complied and went to his room. Soda was lying on his right side,out cold. Gosh did he look peaceful. I layed down beside him and whispered, "Darling woke up." A smile that reached ear to ear formed. "Anything for you."

Around noon we went to the court house and were married. Mom was oblivious to our Union, and I needed to inform Soda about the move.

We were back home and sitting on the couch when it came out. "Mom is moving."

Soda looked at me. "What?"

"Mom is moving."

"That means you are also doesn't it?"

"No I'm going to stay right here and wait for you, unless you say otherwise."

He thought long and hard on that. "Move with your mom I'll get you when the war is over, but for now I'd love the pleasure of your company."He smirked.

With that said we started to makeout, and the rest is history.

When I woke up it was freezing,so I cuddled to Soda for warmth. He threw one arm over me, and pulled closer. "Good morning Darling." He whispered into my ear. In that moment I was the happiest girl ever.

A Thousand Years. (Sodapop Curtis)Where stories live. Discover now