Chapter 7

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"Alright, now that we've eaten it's time for our next stop."

"Where are we going?" I asked as we walked along the sidewalk.

"Now that's a surprise, but you'll find out soon enough."

We walked along talking about anything and everything. I felt like I could tell him anything and he wouldn't judge me. I don't know what it is about him, but it was like we have been friends since forever.

We eventually ended up at a park and found a bench. Everything about London is so magical and unreal. It's like a dream. But like all dreams, I knew this perfect moment must come to an end.

"I want to tell you about that night," I blurt out before I could change my mind. He deserved to know what was going on in my head for me to do that.

"Emmy, you don't have to-"

"I know, but I want to. You deserve to know." I couldn't look at him. He was going to think I was so pathetic after this and not want to be friends with me.

"Okay, but just know that nothing you say is going to change my mind about you. So take your time and only tell me what you're comfortable with."

I almost started crying right there. That was all I needed to hear. I tell him all about that day and the events leading up to when we met. I tell him about Sam and my three best friends who broke me, about my dads promotion and the broken promise, and how at that point it seemed like nothing could get better.

"If you hadn't shown up that night when you did-"

"Hey, let's not think about that yeah? You're here now and that's all the matters." He slides closer to me and gives me a big bear hug, something I was in desperate need of. How is it that he knows exactly what to say and do?

"C'mon now. Let's not dread on something in the past. We've got a tour to finish!" He got up and held his hand out. I was a little hesitant because no matter what was just said, I still don't really know him.

"Could we finish the tour some other time? I need to get some furniture for my part of the balcony and I don't want to trouble you with having to take me shopping."

"I mean, it's no problem at all. I can take you-" His phone suddenly starts ringing. He takes it out of his pocket and looks to see who's calling, and once he saw the name his eyes widened.

"Shoot, I am so dead. I am so sorry Emmy I totally forgot I had to be somewhere and-"

"Hey hey hey, Harvey calm down. It's fine, really. Go and be where you are needed. I'll see you later, yeah?"

"You sure?"

"Yeah yeah, I got stuff to do anyways. Thanks for the tour, it was great."

"I will make this up to you, I promise."

"Don't sweat it." I turned and started to walk away. It took a lot of willpower not to look back. I was definitely bummed that he had to go, but it wasn't like I was never going to see him again. Besides, I needed to clear my head.


It's been three days since I've last seen Harvey. It's not like I was avoiding him, which was only part of the reason. For the most part it was because we hadn't exchanged numbers and I've been too shy to go down the hall to see if he was in.

I was kind of glad to have time away because I was finally able to think. I needed to clear my head of him because I don't need another relationship, especially right now. This way I can make sure the things that I keep feeling when I'm around him are just me being hormonal and missing that kind of connection.

My furniture for my balcony finally came today so that's what I've been doing literally all day. The directions for putting this stuff together are not simple, let me just say. I've been stuck on the same step for about ten minutes when-

"Need some help?"

I turned around to see Harvey leaning up against the side of the balcony. His hair was a mess and he looked really tired.

"I think you need a nap," I reply, not really wanting to admit that I totally needed help.

He laughed. "Nah, I'm okay. You on the other hand look like you could really use an extra pair of hands over there."

I sighed, realizing he wasn't going to give up. "Yeah okay. I guess I could use a little help," I chuckled softly.

He smiled and jumped over the side of the balcony and came to sit right next to me.

"What are we building today?" He asks looking at what's in front of us.

"My furniture for out here. Well, that's what I think it is anyways."

"Yeah you are so lost right now," he chuckles.

"Hey! I'm not that lost."

"I don't think you've put together one piece in the right spot."

"Okay then Mr. I Know Everything let's see you do something right."

We spent that next two hours trying to put my furniture together without breaking anything. In the end I'd say it turned out pretty nice:

 In the end I'd say it turned out pretty nice:

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"Wow. This looks great."

"Yeah, all thanks to me," Harvey boasted. I hit his shoulder and laughed.

"You barely did anything! You just sat there the whole time making fun of me."

"That's not true! I made sure the pillows were aesthetically pleasing to look at."

"Mhm okay, whatever you say."

"Yep. I think you owe me for this."

"Um, excuse me? More like you owe me for wasting my time."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah really. Besides it's my turn to lead an adventure, don't you say?"

"Hmm, well I guess it is. Where we off to?"

"I guess you'll have to wait until tomorrow won't you?"

"Then I'll see you then."

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