Chapter 6

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It was 9 in the morning and I couldn't figure out what to wear. Like do I wear something totally casual? Do I dress up a bit? Harvey said comfortable walking shoes so I'm guessing I shouldn't dress up too much. But still, this was going nowhere.

Finally I decided on this:

When I looked outside the sun wasn't shining, so I shouldn't get too hot

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

When I looked outside the sun wasn't shining, so I shouldn't get too hot. I left my hair down but brought along a ponytail just in case. No makeup today because I'm again not trying to impress anyone... right?

Finally I was ready and descended to the lobby. Harvey was already waiting there for me. Once he sees me he stands up from where he was sitting and makes his way towards me.


I only nod my head. I still have no idea where we are going or what we are doing. I'm quickly pulled out of my thoughts when he started heading to the door.

"Ready for stop number one?" He asks holding the door open for me.

"Is it food? Please tell me it's food."

He just laughed. "Yes, Emmy. We're going to get some food. There's this cute little bakery just around the corner with the best muffins."


"My bad, are you a no nickname kind of person? I'm sorry I didn't know."

"No, it's just a new one. It surprised me. Anyways, bakery?"

"Yup. I swear, their muffins are the best you will ever have. And here it is. Little Paris."

We stopped in front the cutest little bakery I've ever seen. It looked like it was right out of a movie. I haven't even been inside yet and I'm already in love.

"Well I hope these muffins are as good as you say because I can totally see myself living here," I say as we walk in. As soon as I stepped inside and the smell of fresh baked goods hits my nose, a feeling of warmth came over me.

I looked around and it actually felt like I was in Paris. There were a couple of chairs and tables scattered around with couches among them. There were fairy lights hung all over the ceiling and coming down the walls. I never wanted to leave.

We walked up to the front counter where an old lady was putting some muffins in the display.

"Good morning Holly. How are you this morning?" Harvey asked greeting her.

"Oh Harvey darling! It's so good to see you again. And who's this you brought with you?"

"Emerald, meet Mrs. Ridley. She owns the place all by herself. Mrs. Ridley, this is Emerald. She just moved in next door to me."

"Hello Mrs. Ridley. It's nice to meet you."

"Oh please, call me Holly. And the pleasures all mine. So, what can I get the both of you today?"

"I'll have my usual, please. Emerald?"

"Um, I'll have a lemon poppy seed muffin and an apple cider please."

"Great choice. Why don't you find yourselves a seat while I put together your orders?"

I pull out my money to pay, but Harvey beats me to it. "Harvey! I can pay for myself you know."

"I know, but it's my treat. Now go find us a good seat and I'll bring the food over in a sec."

I humpf but go find a seat anyways. I'll just pay him back later. I looked around and found a couch in the corner by the front window. I sat down and took in everyone walking out on the sidewalk. They all looked like they had somewhere to go, no one was out just to walk around.

Harvey came by with our orders. Oh my goodness it smelt so good. I went straight for my muffin, but before I could bite into it Harvey grabbed it from me.

"Harvey! Give it back! I'm so hungry I'm literally going to die."

"Calm down Emmy!" He said laughing and holding the muffin away from me. Me and my stupid arms weren't long enough to get it back.

"I wanna record your reaction. Trust me, you can tell when it's somebody's first time in here and when they try a muffin it actually looks magical, I swear."

"Ugh fine. Just give it back."

He hesitantly gave it back to me and got out his phone. "Okay, one, two, three!"

I bit into it and holy cow he was right. It was so heavenly and delicious and one of the best things I've ever had.

"Oh my god dude! This is amazing!"

"Told you."

We both just sat there eating in silence, but it wasn't awkward. I could feel myself warming up to him, or was that just the cider?

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