"They're a couple that were getting married at the Propizio the weekend of the second. Which means now that the venue is open," Iris said with a smile. 

     "That's amazing. What good luck," Caitlin said with a smile. The sudden buzz of all their phones made everyone quickly take them out. 

     "Oh, guys. Breach alert. We gotta go," Iris said. They all stood up, Cisco grabbing his hot dog and running to the car. 


     Team Flash ran to the breach to see Wally standing there with the breach open and waiting. Suddenly, Harry stepped through with a backpack, and messy hair. They all stopped at his presence, expecting Jesse and not him. 

     "Hey, Harry, um, is Jesse not coming?" Wally asked confused. Harry scoffed, trying to stifle a laugh. 

     "So, um..." 

     "I thought Jesse and I were having date night," Wally said motioning to the bear and flowers.

     "Yeah, that's what you thought," Harry said with a slow nod. 

     "Who is that?" Olive asked leaning towards Caitlin. 

     "That's our friend Harry. He's from Earth two," Caitlin answered quietly. Olive nodded slowly, watching Harry give Wally a box. He turned it on, waving at everyone then turned to leave. The hologram started speaking, then began breaking up. Harry slammed his bag on the ground, walking back to Wally. 

     "Stupid hologram. You know, it's that darn Atlantean plastic," Harry said hitting the cube. "It's really shoddy workmanship. Sorry about this." 

     "What is- What is this thing?" Wally asked confused. Harry looked up immediately, shrugging at Wally.

     "Break-breakup cube," he said pointing at it. "You don't have breakup cubes on your Earth? Oh, that's not good. Okay. A breakup cube is, uh, kind of what it sound like. You know, you record a message for the person you want to, uh. The person, and you, uh pick a music setting and then there's a tissue that pops out if you need that. You know, breakup cube." 

     "Jesse's breaking up with me with a cube?" Wally asked putting his hands on his hips. 

     "Seems like a really convenient way to break somebody's heart," Caitlin said crossing her arms. 

     "Exactly," Harry said extending an arm to Caitlin. 

     "What did she say? In the message?" Wally asked. Olive nodded, walking to the cortex so she didn't have to watch this unfold in front of her. She got a distress call from her phone about a robbery at the bank. She turned to see Barry zooming past her, Olive groaning. 

     "I'll sit this one out then," Olive said throwing her arm in the air. 


     Team Flash stood and watched the security footage from the robbery earlier. The camera was going back and forth giving them no clear shot at who was stealing all the money. 

     "That's the least secure security footage I've ever seen," Cisco said with a shrug. 

     "Yeah, that's not even the strangest thing she made happen," Barry said motioning to the screen. "I mean, I slipped on a barrel of marbles. It was like I was in a cartoon." 

     "That's some seriously bad luck," Caitlin said leaning on the computer table. 

     "There's no such thing as luck," Harry said with his arms crossed and his face stone cold. 

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