Chapter 1

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You were gonna be late for school, again. It would be the third time this week, and if you were late three times in a row you were to serve a three hour detention after school on Friday.

You were close to getting kicked off the River Vixens and Cheryl would not like that. Surprisingly she adored you and thought you were one of the best (coming after her of course) dancers on the squad.

You ran as fast as you could down the street, your Converse weren't even tied and caused you to stumble a few times. Your leather jacket was hardly on your shoulders. And even through all the madness you still managed to have one headphone plugged in.

As you walked up to Riverdale High the first thing you noticed was a collective of motorcycles littering the parking lot. But you didn't think much of it, you just assumed maybe some people had bought motorcycles.

You walked through the doors and the hallway was flooded. All you saw in front of you was black leather and on the back the same symbol of a Serpent. And the it hit you like a bus. You forgot that Southside high had been knocked down and all the Southside kids were coming to the Northside. It didn't bother you but you knew that Cheryl would be having a fit.

You pushed your way through the crowd seeing Archie, Kevin and Veronica (along with a few others) at the front behind a table talking to Jughead and his new crew of friends. You looked dazed and confused mostly because you had just woken up and secondly because no one was in class.

"We encourage each and everyone of you to drink deeply from the cup that is fair Riverdale." Veronica smiled kindly to the newcomers. You looked back and forth. Suddenly there was a voice loud and shrill that caused everyone to look.

"Stand down Eva Peron!" Cheryl yelled from the top of the staircase as she walked down with Reggie and some girls from the River Vixens.

Finally she walked up and Reggie sorta bumped yoy out of the way with his broad shoulder into Archie. It was a face off between Northsiders and Southsiders at this point.

"Cheryl. No one invited fascist Barbie to the party." Veronica said trying to keep her cool.

"Wrong Veronica, no one invited Southside scum to our school." Cheryl stood her ground crossing her arms over her chest.

Before Veronica had a chance to retaliate Cheryl looked over to the group of Southsiders. "Listen up raggamuffins. I will not allow Riverdale High's above average GPA to suffer because of classrooms that are overcrowded with underachievers." At this point everyone was looking at each other in annoyance.

"So please, do us all a favor and find some other school to debase with your hard-scrabbled ways." Cheryl finished her rant.

"Why don't you come over here and say that to my face." A Southside girl stepped up walking forward her teeth grit.

"Happily, queen of the buskers." Cheryl walked forward. Behind the Southsider followed her gang and behind Cheryl followed her clique.

"Okay guys, everyone." Archie stepped between the two girls. "Can we just put our Northside-Southside differences aside and start over?" He asked. "A new slate?"

Reggie then decided to step up like the ass he was "Mhm. You don't speak for the Bulldogs, Andrews." Yoy rolled your eyes.

"And need I remind you these greaser-snakes showed up at your place trying to kick your ass." Reggie went on.

"Happy to finish what we started." A Southside boy, taller than the rest walked forward and it took three guys and that girl to hold him back by his jacket.

You watched him in amazement. You were good at spotting cute guys and just guys in general. According to Cheryl you found the most unattractive guys attractive. There as just something about this guy that made your head turn and your cheeks flush even though you didn't know him.

"I'm so over all the toxic masculinity in this hallway right now." Veronica stepped forward between Archie and another Southsider.

"Alright!" There was another loud voice causing everyone to turn again "That's enough pomp and circumstance." Principal Weatherbee called cause he had watched the whole scene unfold. "Everyone let's get to class. Now." And that was final. Everyone walked away.

"(Y/n) Cheryl called looking at you as you stood off to the side "You picked a perfect day to dress like Marilyn Manson." You walked forward following in step next to her.

"I always dress like this." You mumbled and ripped your headphones out hitting pause on your loud rock music.

"Can you believe those Southsiders just expect to waltz right into our school and get the same treatment as us while they just slack off." Cheryl rolled her eyes.

You honestly had nothing to say. You didn't judge people based off of how they looked or rumors. You looked at yourself as an example. You dressed like a Southsider but you lived on the Northside. Were a cheerleader. Held a 4.0 gpa. Got straight A's. But then you smoked and went to parties and drank all the time.

"I don't know Cheryl." You mumbled "They might be just like us."

Cheryl scoffed loudly cutting you off "I'm nothing like that snake queen." She shook her head. "Anyways can I trust you'll be on time to River Vixen practice today?" She asked turning to you as you stood outside your classroom doors.

"Yeah I'll be there." You mumbled even though you had totally forgot it was today.

"Great!" Cheryl smiled and with that you both turned and walked into opposite doors going to your first period class.

(If you got this far thanks for reading. This is a new long term story I'm gonna try to write and be consistent with. Leave some feedback if you want more, it would mean a lot.)

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