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Eddie left with a swift shut of the door and ran back home. Stan grabbed Richie's bag and walked up the stairs gesturing for Richie to follow.  "Oo up to the bedroom so soon Stan," Richie said grinning with a wink,  Stan shook his head and opened the door for Richie, "Put your stuff on the left side of the room," Stan said pointing at the vintage white bedstand. Richie did as he told and acknowledged Stan's OCD by placing his comics and clothes neatly in the drawer. "There we go," Richie said shutting the drawer. Stan smiled at him, "Thanks for doing it neatly" "No problemo" Richie said flopping onto the bed.  Stan sat down next to him, "So are you gonna tell me what's happening?" "Nah nothing, no big deal Staniel," Richie said back using a British accent in an attempt to hide his troubles. "I've known you for a long time and I know you use those stupid accents when something is seriously wrong. Just tell me please," Stan said pleading with Richie noticing his bouncing leg and twitching hands.

 Richie looked down "I'll explain it later just give me some time, please. I really appreciate you letting me stay here, I just need time" "Its ok Rich, just know I'm here and I'll listen," Stan said looking at Richie's eyes speckled with beautiful Mahagony red and gold flakes. Stan has known Richie since Kindergarten when Richie walked into class with his curly brown hair spiked everywhere and a bloody nose. Stan went up to him and circled him "What's up with your nose" he questioned "Oh just got into a fight" Richie said determinedly but it wasn't till a few years later when Richie confessed that it was actually his dad who had hit him for waking up too late. 

Richie and Stan had a bond unbreakable they knew everything about each other and know exactly what's wrong with one another without even saying a word. While Stan was thinking about all the fond memories they shared Richie let a tear slip down his cheek, Stan snapped out of his daze and looked at Richie, he didn't say anything he just lay next to him and held Richie letting him cry. Stan stroked Richie's back until he felt Richie turn around and face him "Why are you so nice to me. 

Even though I have all those stupid jokes and I can't seem to do anything right and-" Stan cut off Richie by gently pressing his lips to Richie's forehead, "Shh its late let's just sleep and talk in the morning" Richie sighed contently and snuggled back into Stans' arms. Richie fell asleep quite quickly and still with his glasses on, Stan giggled to himself at the look of Richie, glasses askew and his hair sticking everywhere much like the first day of kindergarten. Stan took Richie's glasses off and put them on the side table. He pulled the blanket up over Richie and kissed his cheek fondly, "I'm glad you here" he whispered and he went back to his bed. Stan fell asleep quickly to dreaming about what might have happened if he had never met Richie. 

//I dunno if this is gonna turn into stozier or maybe all three of them dating or keep it reddie...//

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