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The next few days were normal, although Professor Moody's lesson seemed out of place. Alice didn't like how he just used the Unforgivable Curses like they were nothing, and he didn't seem to care that much. But Alice knew that even if she questioned him, he likely wouldn't change the way he taught his class.

Meanwhile, it seemed everyone was gossiping about the upcoming Tournament. Mainly who was going to be the champion of Hogwarts. Everyone was excited for the arrival of the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students, and couldn't wait until the end of the school day to see them.

All of the professors were tired of having to tell students to save their gossip for their free time. The anticipation would only build up as the time grew nearer. As announced, the bell rang about a half-hour earlier than usual. Alice tried to hurry out to the dorms with other students, only to be lost in the crowd and one of the last students to their common room.

Alice was able to catch Kianna on her way out, grateful that she wouldn't have to go alone. Kianna smiled, likely feeling the same way. Professor Sprout led all of the Hufflepuff students outside. Everyone looked around the grounds, no one having a clue to where the other schools would be entering from.

"Where do you think they'll come from?" Kianna turned to Alice, asking the question with genuine curiosity.

"Honestly, I haven't the faintest idea," Alice replied, shrugging her shoulders. "I don't think anyone really knows, besides maybe Dumbledore."

As if on cue, Dumbledore announced that Beauxbatons was approaching. Many students looked around, asking if anyone else saw them. Someone pointed to the forest, where something large was flying towards the castle.

Everyone shouted out their own guesses as to what it was, but no one was able to accurately guess. No, it wasn't a dragon. Instead, it was a pale blue horse-drawn carriage the size of a large house. The first few rows of students backed away as the carriage came thundering down, making many students flinch when it landed with a crash.

A blonde-haired boy in blue robes that matched the color of the carriage jumped down, fumbling while unfolding a set of golden stairs. Some students gasped as the largest lady they'd ever seen stepped out from the carriage. Dumbledore began clapping, and soon enough the students followed his lead.

The lady walked up to Dumbledore and they exchanged a few words before the lady, whose name was Madame Maxime, waved for her students the come out from the carriage. Everyone shifted their attention quickly enough to see about a dozen boys and girls emerge, walking to stand behind Madame Maxime. One of the boys, the one who folded out the stairs, caught Alice's gaze and winked at her. Visibly surprised, Alice could feel her face heat up. The boy only smiled and laughed, continuing to walk with his classmates.

"Did he just..." Alice didn't even need to hear the end of Kianna's question to give an answer. She simply nodded, confused as to why he would notice her out of anyone in the crowd. She didn't really know how to process the information- no one had ever seemed to show her any interest before. Alice tried not to think about it, and instead focused her attention to figuring out where Durmstrang could be coming from.

Everyone looked hopefully to the sky, only to hear something coming from the lake. There was a disturbance in the water, then bubbles, and then a whirlpool. A long black mast appeared from beneath the water, and the entire ship rose to the surface. It was an eerily beautiful sight. The boat glided toward the bank, and just a few moments later there was a splash as the anchor was thrown down.

People were disembarking, and as they drew nearer you could see that they were all wearing thick furs, which was a great contrast to the silk scarves the Beauxbatons students wore. The man who was leading the students called out to Dumbledore heartily and struck up a conversation with him like Madame Maxime had done moments before. The man had silvery hair that matched his robes, and his name was Professor Karkaroff.

Professor Karkaroff waved one of his students over, and as the student took off his cloak almost everyone around Kianna and Alice went wild. Sure, Alice knew that the student was Viktor Krum, a famous Quidditch player, but she didn't understand why everyone was freaking out. Some were trying to find anything that he could sign, but ultimately failing.

After waiting a bit, Alice and Kianna walked to the Hufflepuff table. Alice looked over to the Slytherin table and caught Thalia and Jade's gaze. Jade enthusiastically waved while Thalia tried to hold her arm down, and Alice could only assume she was telling Jade to calm down. Alice couldn't keep herself from letting out a laugh and shaking her head. The antics of her friends never ceased to make Alice laugh.

The students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang walked in, the Beauxbatons students choosing to sit at the Ravenclaw table and Durmstrang at the Slytherin table.

Dumbledore gave a speech welcoming the two schools, and inviting them to get comfortable and make themselves at home. Alice began adding food to her plate, noticing many new dishes. She assumed that they were dishes from where the other students lived, most likely to make them feel more welcomed.

As Alice was finishing her dinner, she glanced over at the Gryffindor table. She saw a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons walk over towards where Ron was sitting. Ron stared at the girl in awe, and Alice couldn't help feeling a twinge of jealousy. She couldn't compete with a girl like that. That's what she told herself.

She went back to eating her food, trying to think of something besides that. After a bit of time had passed, Dumbledore began speaking again, this time about the Triwizard Tournament. He explained how the tournament would be working, and how people could enter, and most of all the dangers of competing. Filch had brought up a brilliantly decorated casket, which Dumbledore opened. Inside was a wooden cup filled with dancing blue flames.

Dumbledore finished his speech, and Alice had finished her food. She decided to go back to her dorm, as she was ready to go to sleep.

As Alice was heading to the exit of the Great Hall, the Beauxbatons boy she had seen before stopped her.

"You're that girl from before, aren't you? I wanted to introduce myself, and you seemed like a very friendly person." The boy had a particularly thick French accent, much like the rest of his classmates. "My name is Evan."

Alice gave a shy smile. "Nice to meet you, Evan," she said quietly.

"Aren't you going to tell me your name?"

Alice could feel her cheeks heating up again, this time in embarrassment. "I'm sorry... My name is Alice."

Evan laughed. "No need to be sorry, Alice. Well, it's about time I go, but I hope to see you around." He brushed some of his hair out of his face with a smile. He walked away with his classmates, and Alice waved.

Alice didn't know what to make of the conversation, but she didn't want to think too hard about it. Evan seemed nice enough, and even though Alice found his cheeky and outgoing nature a little odd, he seemed like he would make a good friend.

Alice moved along and went on her way to her dorm. She read a bit more of her book and then decided to call it quits. She turned out her light, and rolled over in her bed, falling asleep not too long after.

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