"good, good! hey, we're just about to play a round of beer pong, care for a game?" ian asks, holding a set of red cups in his hand.

"go on then," shawn grins, finishing his drink in a shot, feeling the alcohol buzz in his veins. he walks over to the table, seeing it being set up as boys versus girls. shawn immediately rolls his eyes when he sees anya on the other side, talking to the likes of lauren, georgia, and a few other girls he doesn't recognise, along with a couple of anyas friends he's seen leave her apartment a few times.

anya and shawn both are neighbours, surprisingly. it's confusing how they haven't killed each other yet.

"seriously, them?" shawn asks ian, turning around and seeing brian and jon smiling menacingly at shawn. "what?"

"you're up first dude," jon says, pushing shawn forward. "alright!" he calls to the group of people around the table. "anya and shawn, you guys are up."

"with him?"

"with her?"

they both look each other up and down, sending glares to each other, whilst anya folds her arms, rolling her brown eyes.

"i am not playing beer pong with someone who doesn't even have good aim," anya says, pouting her lip out.

"it's true, i said mouth, he got it in the eye," georgia smirks from next to anya, making her laugh loudly, giving georgia a high five. shawn glares at the blonde, making her smirk back. "oh but sweetie, it's true, isn't it?"

"georgia i swear to fucking god-"

"just play, god, anya you're gonna beat him anyway, what's the point of complaining?" jon sighs, compromising with the two of them.

"jon!" shawn whines, a chuckle leaving his lips. "you're supposed to be my friend."

"sorry dude, anya and i go way back," jon laughs, throwing his arm around anyas shoulders, making her smirk. "remember when you hit that ball through my moms window?"

"don't even get me started! your mom wasn't bothered, mine? i never heard the end of it! i was grounded for three weeks!" anya complains, making the group laugh around her. "alright, let's just get this started mendes."

"you're going down, steinburg," shawn glares at her, taking a ping pong ball from ian.

"try me," she scoffs, bouncing down her ball on the table, the white ball landing straight into one of shawns glasses. "ha!"

"that was one!" shawn says to her, quickly drinking the beer down, before chucking the cup to the side of him. "you better watch out," he bounces his ball, and it bounces off of the rim of one of the glasses, before falling into a glass on the left side of the table.

"oh look, he knows how to throw a ball into a cup!" anya teases, taking the glass and taking the drink down effortlessly. "dude, beer, seriously? you couldn't put vodka in or something?"

"careful anya, you don't want to get too drunk," lauren laughs at her, nudging her shoulder.

"fair, don't want to be making any mistakes tonight," she smirks, before throwing her ball, and landing it into shawns cup.

this continues until shawns down to three cups, and anya's down to one.

"how is he winning?" anya whines, folding her arms and looking at the difference in the number of glasses.

"boys got skill!" brian and ian yell, making the girls roll their eyes. "well apart from that time he got beaten by abel but-"

"that was hilarious!" anya joins in, laughing with brian. "god, do you remember that day? he got so confident, and then he saw drake come down to watch, and all of a sudden he freaked out!" she laughs, smirking at shawn.

"that day was genuinely the best night of tour," brian agrees, making shawn smile. "hey, we should host one next time."

"somehow i don't think all of them would come," shawn adds, positioning his arm to aim for the last cup. "i could ask john to sort something out though, no one says no to him."

"ugh i've missed john, doesn't he have a show in toronto coming up?" anya asks, waiting for shawn to make his shot.

"he does actually, it's next week," shawn says to them. "i can ask for tickets, if you guys are up for it."

"count me in," ian scoffs from next to him.

"and us!" jon and lauren add, making shawn laugh.

"and me!" lyall yells, walking up to the group. "wait, what am i signing myself up for?"

"john mayer, next week," lauren informs him. "you up?"

"i'm up," lyall agrees, nodding. shawn grins again, throwing the ball, and landing it straight into the last cup anya had.


"did he just-"

"oh wow-"

"i won?" shawn asks cluelessly, confused. "i won?"

"i have to say, mendes," anya starts, before quickly drinking the beer down. "i'm impressed." lauren notices something going on, and quickly leaves, motioning for the rest of the group to move with her. the group scatter out, leaving anya and shawn on their own.

"oh look at that, miss hard-to-impress steinburg, is impressed with me?" shawn smirks, wanting to do nothing more than hold this to her for the rest of her life.

"oh shut up, you shit head," anya scoffs, rolling her eyes. "i'm just saying, you didn't miss one. that's an achievement, for you."

"ha ha, very funny," shawn rolls his eyes back, folding his arms against his chest. "i'd like to see you play abel to beer pong, and see who ends up laughing."

"deal, one day," she agrees, just as kanye begins to blast through the house party. "anyway, this is my song, so i'm gonna go now."

"you do that," shawn calls, watching the girl leave him, joining her friends on the dance floor, throwing her hands up in the air, and swinging her hips, making shawn gulp back. she catches shawns eyes, and sends him a quick wink, before her eyes close, and she lets the music guide her body.

fuck, shawn thinks to himself. she's hot.

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