Gilbert Blythe | Fun & Games

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"What was that about?" Diana questioned.

"Gilbert Blythe doesn't quite know how to be polite." You replied with monotone.


School had ended awhile after that. It seemed as if it took forever for school to end. It didn't help that even still, Gilbert continued to stare.

You wondered why this boy just didn't give up. But.. you admired that about him a bit.

You walked over and grabbed your hat and coat. You put your hat on and zipped up your coat.

"May I walk you home, Y/N?" Gilbert asked as he put his coat on and smiled brightly at you.

"You may not." You replied strongly.

"You shouldn't be so rude, Y/N." He laughed as he put his hat on his head.

"I am not the rude one, Blythe." You spoke before walking out of the school house and started making your way towards home.

You could hear the running footsteps behind you.

Of course he didn't listen.

Gilbert Blythe never listens.

"Wait for me!" Gilbert yelled.

That's when you had the brilliant idea to hide.

You ran as fast as you could towards the woods. When Gilbert couldn't see where you went, you quickly hid behind a huge tree.

"Y/N, where are you!" He laughed as he breathed hard.

You could hear the leaves from underneath his feet so you knew he was near.

You smiled before covering your mouth so that you didn't make a sound.

"Ah, are you hiding? I guess I'll find you then. But when I do, you have to give me something." He boy yelled throughout the woods as he walked around the area.

You didn't dare look back in fear that he'd see you and you would never get rid of the boy.

"Gotcha!" He yelled as failed at finding you.

"You can't hide forever, Y/N." He chuckled.

But eventually he was getting too close to your hiding spot so you had to look back. You need to run and find a new spot.

You looked behind and saw that his back was to you. That was the perfect chance to run.

You ran as fast as you could, quickly hearing his footsteps behind you. You ran and slid down a hill, hiding behind a long on the ground.

"Ah, you're too good at this." He spoke out of breath.

You could see the boy bending over to catch his breath from behind the log.

"But you should know. I'm a pro at hide & seek." He got up and began to look around for you.

Looking behind trees and looking behind logs.

But once again, he was way too close for your comfort. You slowly and quietly tried to move your spot to behind a tree. But that was really hard to do with all the leaves crunching underneath your feet.

"I can hear you." You could practically see the big smile on his face.

You were hoping that he wasn't coming near you. But you could hear his nearing footsteps and you began to get a little scared.

"You're not very good at keeping quiet." He chuckled.

You tried to hold your heavy breath but it was really hard because of all the running you were doing.

"Found you!" He popped out from around the tree and grabbed your waist.

You jumped a lot du to the scare. He laughed at you as he smiled brightly.

"I won. Now I want something from you, Miss." he spoke politely with a smile.

"What's that?-" he cut you off with a kiss.

He pressed his warm and soft lips against yours. And surprisingly, you had many butterflies in your stomach.

Turns out, you were beginning to like Gilbert as much as he liked you.

But you didn't mind.


I hope you enjoyed this! I'm so sorry that it took me this long to actually write this..

I've been extremely busy recently! Also, I have some exciting news!

I have a boyfriend💕

He has this adorable dimple when he smiles. He's really sweet and just so adorable!

We've already been dating for a couple of days now..

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