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James Potter's eyes snapped open at the exact same time that his son's blood was dropped into the cauldron that would soon hold none other than Lord Voldemort. Of course he didn't know that yet.

He appeared to be in a crowd of young witches and wizards. Several shocked faces leaned over him. Some even trained wands on him. No one knew what to do. He sat up, slowly peering around.

The last thing he remembered was, well, dying.

"Uh, hi," he said uncertainly.

"Who are you?" a girl with bushy brown hair squeaked.

"James Potter," he answered simply. The girl glanced at a boy with red hair.

"I'll get Dumbledore," another girl stated and she ran off. The first girl turned back to him.

"James Potter died fourteen years ago. Who are you?" she repeated. His head began to spin. Fourteen years ago! He really had died?

"Wait until Harry hears about this. He is having a rough time as it is. He doesn't need to hear about someone impersonating his father," The red-whispered to the girl.

"Harry? Where is he? What about Lily? Where am I?" the girl looked slightly confused at his questions, but refused to lower her wand.

"You know perfectly well that Lily Potter is dead and you will not get the chance to give Harry the same fate," a new voice spoke out. James jumped up and turned to see Dumbledore glaring at him. What had he done?

"I did know Lily was dead, but I wasn't sure whether she had returned as well. Apparently not," he sighed,"And why would I want to kill Harry?"

"James Potter is dead!" Dumbledore yelled in his face, pointing his wand threateningly at him.

"I am James Potter and I am alive!" James yelled right back.

"Prove to me you are him! If you are not then I will not hesitate to kill you," Dumbledore whispered dangerously.

Without hesitation, James transformed into Prongs, his animagus form. Since you cannot fake an animagus form and because it is different for everyone, this should prove who he is.

Dumbledore gasped and so did the red-head and the girl that had interagated him earlier. After several moments of shock, Dumbledore reached forward and embraced him.

"How did this happen?" he whispered. James shook his head.

"I'm at as much of a loss as you are," he told him. Another moment passed.

"Where's Harry?" he asked a bit hesitant. His wife was dead and he had missed fourteen years of his son's life. He was a bit concerned what the reunion would be like. Dumbledore did not answer his question.

James took a step back to look the man in the eye. Dumbledore sighed.

"He was entered into the Trieizard Tournament. The third task is going on now. There is no need for concern however as he is tied for first out of four champions," James' eyes widened.

"You let my only son compete in the Triwizard Tournament at age fourteen!?" he glared at Dumbledore waiting for an answer.

"He was chosen. He had to compete. Don't worry. He will be fine. You'll see him soon," he said all this as if he were trying to convince himself.

"Then why do you not sound sure," James grabbed the front of his cloak, but Dumbledore pushed him away as a loud crack sounded from behind them.

"Look! It's Harry!" the red-head yelled. A moment later, however, a scream split the air.

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