Omelets and Chinese apparel

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(~>) - Means press play on the music!  (Not yet though! ;3)

"Get up!" The door shook on it's hinges as Jeordie yet again pounded on another door with I'm guessing his fists. I was still in bed, leg still wrapped around Zim's. We faced opposite of one another, but it was like we were holding hands, but just out legs instead. If we were snakes and our legs were our bodies. . . it still counts. In my mind anyways I'm imagining it, just thinking. . .

Last night in our shower, as soon as we got in. I'v never been french kissed that well in a long time, no sex, but it was still so perfect. Even though we were both a little irritated with Jeordie and Ginger barging in on us. We discussed ways to avoiding any assumptions from anyone in the band, when we were both in bed. We snuggled, like most nights when we are jammed in a hotel together. Sometimes in the bus, I wait till early in the morning before sneaking in Zim's little bed. It's a little cramped with both of us on one of those small beds, but we make it work. 

Jeordie finally stopped when Zim yelled, "We get it!" in a frustrated huff. Timothy turned towards me, giving a faint smile.

He asked if I was ready to get dressed, then I sighed, "Sure." Barely conscious to stand up, but I sat up, stretching my arms above my head. Our legs now at an awkward angel, then I unwined. I looked down at Zim, propping myself up with my arms on the pillow. His emerald eyes glared up at me, with a handsome smirk under them that I couldn't help but watch. His shirtless body was still wrapped around most of the blankets, "Hm." I thought about how I'd attack-

With a quick hurl forward, I wrapped Zimmy up into a burrito. His body staying still and stiff for easy rolling, jumping off the bed quickly. I kept rolling him down the bed, he was soon the most perfect burrito blanket I'v ever seen, "Much better!" Zim chuckled, I lifted up his body. His face peeked out slightly, I adjusted it holding him up slightly with my leg and my other arm quickly. Fixed his face, and his grin was exposed. 

Walking to the door, I picked up a key along the way then opened the door. Of course still being in my underwear, and Zim being covered. "No!" He yelled, laughing as I began down the hallway. Sprinting to Brian and Jeordie's room, knocking loudly like Jeordie did to us. But I didn't stay for long, because soon enough we ran back to our room. Zim giggling the whole way, "Stephen I swear." He shook his head, having a tint of red on his checks.

I threw him on the bed, and he remained still cocooned away. Zim laughed once more, then pushed himself out of the blankets. Now sitting up with his hair very messy and having very sweet droopy eyes. He looked sleepy, I wished we could have slept a little longer. 


"And how was that?" Marilyn smiles widely, as he cuts his omelet in half with his fork. Last night apparently (according to Jeordie anyways) Marilyn slept alone. So that would mean we screwed with just Brian this morning, hopefully he thought it was Jeordie. . .

Maybe it wasn't just about Zim? Well that's obvious, "It was weird, seeing them butt fucking!" Jeordie croaked, as he giggled.

Feeling my face burn I shake my head, "PFFT! Zim wouldn't be sitting if we butt fucked."

My lips spoke before my brain connected but luckly I heard Zim's snicker. "Nor, would Stephen. He'd be crying," me and Zim both chuckled exchanging slight stares at each other then back at the group.

Jeordie grinned pervertedly, "There ya go Marilyn!" Marilyn chuckled, we all ate in silence after. I had a omelet like Marilyn but instead of just ham, cheese, and bacon. I had all the shit packed in the bundle of eggs.

Sometimes as our process of eating grew longer and longer into it's end, me and Zim glanced at each other. Every so often, I'd look up and he'd be watching me or the other way around. 

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