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Daniel, Jonah, Tate, Zach, Corbyn, Jack, Karle, and I were all standing around the why dont we kitchen

I was wearing Daniels oversized black sweatshirt that was really big on me so I just had shorts on underneath

the hood was up and I had my head resting on Daniels chest as our arms were wrapped around each other and he talked to everyone

Ive been feeling kinda sick since I got back from vacation and Daniels just been taking care of me even though he cant risk being sick

ive just given up and telling him to go because I want him with me 24/7

"is she good?" I heard Tates voice

"ya shes just been feeling crappy since she got back from vacation"

I heard the front door open and I looked my head up to see Anna walked in so I quickly let go of Daniel and Anna opened her arms as I ran into the and she basically lifted me up

"she didnt even do that with me when she saw me" I heard Daniel laugh and so did the others

I laughed as Anna pulled away but then quickly pulled me back in for another hug

"I missed you babyyyy" Anna laughed and I pulled away "I missed you too"

we walked into the kitchen and I immediately gravitated to Daniel, I leaned up against him and his arms wrapped around my waist and his head leaned on the top of mine

I pulled away from him and turned so I was standing opposite of him

he gave me a look as the others got into a seperate conversation

I started walking off into the other room he quickly followed behind me, turned me around and he lifted me up as my legs wrapped around his waist

he kissed me until he tripped over something and we fell and hit the floor

I groaned and he laughed slightly until our lips met again and it turned into a make out session

"uhh ew, god no" Zachs voice rang through my ear

Daniel pulled away from me and got up to look at Zach "I tripped with her in my arms"

"mhm" Zach walked away as Daniel helped me up, we laughed

hes been doing his hair slightly different recently and im really in love with it

Daniel and I were going to his parents house because Chris, Tyler, and Anna were all there and they were having a family dinner

Jeff and Keri were making Daniel bring me but I wasn't complaining because I love his family

Aint love strange by Stanaj came on and Daniel looked over at me as he began singing along to it

I smiled and he grabbed my face making me look at him as he sang to me

he kept looking back and fourth between the road and me

we were about 15-20 minutes away from his parents place

I looked forward as a car swerved into the lane "DANIEL!" I shouted and he immediately put both hands on the wheel and swerved out of the way and pulled the car over

my heart was beating a mile a minute and he looked toward me again

"are you okay?" he searched my eyes for any type of pain and I nodded "no no im fine"

we took some deep breaths as he turned to look out the back window

"were good?" I asked and he nodded

Anna was sitting to my left and Daniel to my right, we were sitting in the backyard around the patio on this little couch thing while Jeff barbecued and Keri sat on a chair with Chris

Tyler was helping Jeff

I was super tired but trying my best to stay awake

I was still feeling sick but I didnt wanna not come to the dinner and seem rude

Daniel had his hand on my thigh as Anna and I took many many snapchats

"you are the cutest thing ever" Anna said to me and I reach over and hugged her

Daniel got up and started wrestling with Tyler on the ground by the pool

Chris came and sat beside Anna, they began talking and I pulled out my phone and started taking a snapchat video of Tyler and Daniel fighting

I sent it to the groupchat between Tate, Christina, and I, it was called 'why dont we girlfriends'

they snapped back laughing and stuff

as I was going through my phone I heard something hit the ground and then "ow ow ow"

I looked up and saw that Daniel was on the ground and Tyler was laughing until he reaized Daniel was actually hurt

I rushed toward where they were

the rest of the family quickly did as we went around him, he was coughing and wheezing

Keri sat him up and he caught his breath

"im fine guys, really" he laughed slightly and Jeff then realized he left the barbecue unattended so he ran back to it

"im sorry, im sorry, im sorry" Tyler continuously apologized and Daniel somewhat laughed it off

"its okay, I love you" Daniel stood up and Tyler hugged him

"wow great way to start family dinner" Chris cheered and we all laughed

it was 10pm and we were still at Jeff and Keri's and we were having a bombfire

Chris and I walked inside to get stuff for smores and he stopped to ask me something, I assumed it was about Daniel

"Lacey can I ask you something?"

I nodded "yea of course, whats up?"

"I dont wanna get personal with you but I just want to make sure and ask you a few things, one Daniel is good to you right? like hes never really hurt you in anyway"

"oh my gosh no no never he never has and he never will"

"another thing and im sorry to ask this but are you guys being safe?" he looked at me seriously and I didnt understand what he was saying

"what? what do you mean safe"

he sighed "well Tyler told me about the incident where he walked in on you guys making out and I just want to make sure you both arent doing something not safe like con-"

"ohhhhhhhhhhhh" I felt embarrassed for not understanding what he said but he just laughed slightly

"were being completely safe with everything you dont have to worry" I smiled

he reached over and hugged me

"thanks for being good to him"


My Boy ☼ Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now