chapter zero

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[The picture above is where you live.]

Welcome back to the remake dreamies!

Or if you're new, here's a key!

(Y/n) - your name

Your last name will be Stevens.

(e/c) - eye color

(h/l) - hair length

(h/c) - hair color

(s/c) - skin color

(f/c) - favorite color

I'll add more later on if needed.

This book will have aesthetic pictures in every chapter.

Let's get to know you better, eh? I know, I know. You're probably thinking,

Weren't you the typical 13 year old, right?


You've never been a normal kid.

You were a humongous space nerd and absolutely loved planetariums. Even though you've never actually visited one.

You don't have friends. On account that you have social awkwardness and other reasons...

You were an indoor kid. You liked the outside, but you just refuse to interact with it altogether.

You were very clumsy.

You absolutely love magic. From simple card tricks to the trick that almost killed Houdini.

You're an only child.

You were obsessed with Netflix, Hulu, VRV, all that stuff. You name it the show, you've probably watched it already.

Your family was sort of rich. Due to your father being a neurosurgeon and your mother is the CEO of her own company.

You love music. All types, hands down.

You don't like getting yelled at. Even if it's serious. You will cry. But if it's playful, then it's all good.

You like books, but you prefer comics.

You have astraphobia. Which is the fear of thunderstorms. You try to act tough about it in front of people, but the moment you're alone... You fall apart.

You're shy, but if you need to stand your ground, you will.

You have two self-consciousness. They go by Grace and Josh.

Grace is the smarter, shyer, sibling. She's more rational. She has shoulder length dark brown hair and light coffee colored eyes. She likes big pastel sweatshirts.

As for Josh, he's more of a loud mouth and really overprotective of you. He has dark brown hair and likes to keep it slicked back. Like his heroes, the Greasers, of course. He claims that his leather jacket is real.

And most importantly...

You're a 13-year-old girl with (h/l), (h/c) hair with bright (e/c) eyes and (s/c) skin.

And this summer is going to change your life.

Who's Your Dream Demon Now? Bill x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن