The Drug In Me Is You

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I took another drag from my ciggarette as I waited for my drug dealer to meet me up. I saw a girl with Long silky brown hair and a reddish brown beanie with a silver nose ring. She wore light eyeliner and masscara.

Her beauty astonished me. She walked past me with no problem and i took a deep breath in and out before throwing my cigrette to the ground and stomping it. My drug dealer tapped my shoulder as my eyes stayed on the girl walking away from me.

I turned and chased after her as my dealer yelled, "No coke for you!"

I caught up to her and grabbed her arm. "What?" she said sharply turning around.

"I just wanted to say, you're beautiful."

she pulled her arm away from me. "Go get some drugs and go away." She said and started to walk away again.

"The drug in me is you!" i yelled after her, noting the falling in reverse shirt she wore. She slowly turned and yelled back, "And I'M so high on misery, Can''t you see?!"

I laughed and caught back up to her as she pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down the digits i was hoping for. "Call me'" She said before walking away, still capturing all of my attenion.


"I'm Amy and Well, I love Falling In everse, They're my favorite band." she said as she continued to eat. Yesterday i had called her and asked her to come on a date and she had agreed, luckily.

"My favorite color is red, I'm a vegaterian, I don't usually date, I don't really have friends and I'm a senior in Highschool. I will go to college to work with animals some way, maybe a vet or something like that, I love animals and I've always wanted to give back to the enviroment and I feel that protecting and helping our animals is the best way." She finished and then continued to eat her salad.

"You'r turn" she said between bites.

"My name's sam, I love Bring Me The Horizon, they're my favorite band. I used to sleep around until i started drugs, then I didn't have time to sleep around, and two days ago I met this girl and  I'm gonna quit for her, I'm going to college next year to be a teacher for kindergarden because I love children, even bratty ones who glue their hands together and push others down, and thats me."

I said. And then added, "And if it makes you uncomfortable for me to eat alot of meat, I'll try to cut down and not eat it in front of you, starting tommorow because this rib is amazing." 

She laughed and I did also.

"So your going to quit drugs?"

"Yeah, becasue i have the perfect drug right here."

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