HTTYD Cricket AU

350 11 7

prompt: Astrid joins a cricket team, but do the boys want her there? Part 1???


The team was easy down in the nets. It was a Thursday afternoon at the cricket grounds. The team had all finished school and hour ago before commuting home and getting their gear for cricket training. The group were lounging around waiting for their coach, what they didn't expect was for him to be followed by a lean blonde in Nike singlet, a bag slung over her arm.

"Alrighty guys, before we get started, I'd like introduce Astrid. She'll be joining us," the coach Gobber introduces the girl. A few sexist jokes were past around, a tall boy stood up and glared at his team, ready to call them out but Astrid beat him to it.

Astrid's face was puce when she heard comment regarding how she could get a costume and be the water girl, and she didn't think it was the cliché bird mascot they were inclining, "the next person to make another comment like that," she warned catching their attention, "can pay for my new bat after I club them over the head until it breaks!" This stops the hushed chatter and the team falls silent.

"Amen to that sister!" An angular faced blonde calls she looks just a tad more feminine to the almost identical boy sitting next to her.

"C'mon, this is a boys team! Mainly!" A tall muscular man protests, and everyone in the group looks at him disbelievingly.

Astrid, true to her word un slung her bag and pulled out a bat, the tall boy with brown hair put a hand on her shoulder, his own face red.

"Five laps of the oval Eret, now," he ordered his voice dangerously low. ice the man set off the boy resumed his easy stance.

"Right, now that's finished, we're doing net work, Hiccup, you know what to do," Gobber instructed and went to sit on the tail gate of his ute parked near by. The team got to work getting into pairs, some getting their knee pads on others stretching their shoulders.

"Hiccup," the boy introduced him self, "sorry about them. They're alright, but don't hang out with the best people at school." He handed Astrid sheet of paper from the clip board in his bag.

"What's this?" Astrid asked warily.

"The team, strengths, weaknesses, bowler, batter etcetera," he explained before walking over to a red headed man who was padded up in the nets. Astrid set to work memorising the sheet, thankfully there were photos.

Ruffnut Thorston:

Fast left hand bowler

Sloppy batter

fast, quick on feet.

Tuffnut Thorsten

Fast right hand bowler

Average batter,

Good eye, quick feet

She kept reading the list, checking whether the files were up to date. She learned that the twins, who were average batters, were frighteningly fast and accurate bowlers. Daggur, who was working with Hiccup, was a strong batter, he had an injury and had come down from A grade to B Grade. He was used to test matches, because the ferocity that he hit the ball with, and his stamina was impeccable. Snotlout was a strong battle and bowler, but seemed tone here for fun. Scanning further down the page, she found very little on Hiccup.

Hiccup Haddock


Experienced player

Odd, Astrid thought, because the document had a last edited and which user login who had edited it. HiccupH but why would he change something. No, she was over thinking things like always.

Approaching the nets Astrid stood awkwardly, until Hiccup noticed, by now Eret was back and was talking with Daggur.

"Hey," he said breathlessly, sweat was glimmering on his brow.

"So, hows this gunna go?" she asked fiddling with her shirt.

"Well, unless your sick of the sight of me, we can just do some bowling, batting together," he said. Astrid nodded, Hiccup gestured for her to pad up whilst he took swig of his water. Walking into position Astrid stamped the ground, flattening any lumps. Setting up, she touched down signally she was ready. But really she was far from it, the red ball came hurtling towards her that she was just lucky that she hit it. The thwack sent her ears ringing, she had never played on a (predominantly)boys team. She wasn't prepared to slip up. When the next ball came she made a good contact with it, the red ball flew into the wearied nets stretching it alarmingly.

The third ball came, and another and another until it was time to swap. Shaking herself out Astrid got prepared to give it her all. When she ran up and bowled what she thought was a good ball, Hiccup easily blocked. Astrid realised that she had to do better then her best, she was average compared to this team. Lining herself up keenly Astrid came t Hiccup with the fastest ball she could give, and each time she went it was obvious it was harder for Hiccup to bloke until something quite spectacular happened.

Astrid had got a wicket, a fluke she thought. But still the rest of the team halted in disbelief, soon carrying on. Astrid set herself up again, and the clutter was unmistakable as the bales fell. Her cheeks flushed rather red as the team stopped again, pausing longer. Of course the twins were making wickets, but why was everyone stopping because of her?

What happened next caused Astrid to nearly faint, she had made a hat-trick. She had got three wickets in a row and this time no one moved, which wasn't hard. Because they had already stopped to watch her. Hiccup stared at the fallen wickets, and then he started laughing. Had she screwed up? Hiccup ran to Astrid and grabbed her by the shoulders, shaking her so hard she nearly fell over.

"What ever you want, a new bat, free reign to tell these clowns what to do, you got it. But you have to join the team, you, you have to. Your the person we've been trying to find! The person who can score a hat trick on their first time here!" Hiccup shouted and the team had come closer.

"Sure, I'll stay," Astrid laughed, "but any more jokes and I will take you up on that offer.

As the training began winding down and the team started to disperse, Astrid caught up with Gobber on his way out.

"What can I do for you?" he asked putting his tail gate up.

"I was reading the document Hiccup gave me, and it didn't have much on his skills?" she started awkwardly.

Gobber frowned and pulled out his phone, his eyes did widen slightly, "he always does this, he removes all of his info leaving the bare minimum. That's the original," he said passing me his phone.

Hiccup Haddock

Strong bowler, strong batsmen. Never misses training, refuses to move to A grade, questionable personal life.

Plenty of stamina, good hands.

"I thought the files were just their skills?" She asked handing the phone back. Gobber shrugs, pocketing it.

"Just incase," he says as if it explains anything, "he hates his skills on display. But also anything related to his life. I swear, he's been drug tested so many times purely because of his long sleeves in summer." He sighs before hopping in his ute and waving before he kicks up the gravel and drives off.

Shouldering her bag Astrid turner to see Hiccup through the dust. His face a picture of many emotions, but two kick her, his hurt, and his anger.

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