mY dream (*_*)

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     Ever since i was a child,  loved being in the kitchen. Wheter it's running to my mom with different ingredients as she tossed a quick meal together or mixing her batter for some of her ready mixed pancakes, being in the kitchen was my safety zone. Somehow the combinations of smells always sents my mind spiraling into a realm of tasty possibilities.

      Because my mom was really busy being the bank VP to really care about how much her kitchen had to offer, her cooking skills we're limited to premixes and easy, unimaginative recipes. It was actually her sister, Tita Abie, who recognized that like her i was enthralled by throwing different ingredients together. It was Tita Abie who took my flour covered hands and showed me how they could knead sticky and gooey dough that turned a warm golden brown inside an oven. So naturally it was Tita Abie who suggested i intern at her restaurant over the summer to nurture what she had planted in me a years ago. Or so i thought.


(A/N:) sorry late update badtrip eh my aunt does'nt want me to go to school but i want to have a complete attendance

rob on right>>>>>

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