Startled, El looked up. And she came face to face with a face that looked familiar but also not.

His face was pale, framed by ebony hair that curled at the tips. His nose and cheeks were dusted with freckles that made it look as though a million stars were scattered across his face. And his eyes, like the colour of molten chocolate.

It was his eyes that sparked the recognition in her head. It was the same eyes that had looked at her and given her a name in a matter of minutes, years ago.

She didn't know how he found her. But she knew she had come to this world to find him. She should have come a long time ago. She had told him she would, but everything had gone wrong the day she went back all those years ago.


"You remember me?" he said, raising his eyebrows. She nodded.

"What happened to you? How are you here? You look like you're hurt!" he said.

"I- I came to find you." El told him.

"You came to find me? Why?"

"Mike, who are you talking to?" said a voice from somewhere behind him.

El's eyes widened. There were other mortals there with him. Other mortals who could hurt her if they found out who she was.

Mike noticed the panicked expression on El's face. "Don't worry. They're my friends. They won't hurt you. I promise." He reassured her. "Come here guys! I want you to meet someone."

Confused, Dustin and Lucas moved closer to where Mike wasn't standing. Dustin gasped loudly when he saw what actually was the source of light. Lucas raised his eyebrows so high that they disappeared at his hairline.

It was a girl. Not just a normal girl, a really pretty girl......who was radiating a soft light all around her.

"Are....Are you a-a f-fallen angel?" Dustin stuttered.

El looked at him in confusion. Angels were myths, as far as she knew.

"Dustin, no. This is El. I- I've met her before." Mike explained.

"You've met her before and you didn't tell us? What the hell, Mike?" Lucas exclaimed.

"It was a long time ago, a really long time ago. It's not important."

"Not important? What do you not-" Dustin asked

"Look guys, we can talk about this later okay? She's hurt. We need to take care of her." Mike said, exasperated.

"Take care of her? We don't even know who she is!" Lucas said.

Mike sighed. He knew how stubborn Lucas could be when he didn't get answers.

"Lucas, Dustin.... This is El. She's my friend from when we were kids" he said, finally.

"She's your friend? Mike she glows! G-L-O-W-S! She can't just be your friend!" Dustin exclaimed.

"Okay fine! Calm down. She's not- she's not human. At least I don't think she is." Mike said.

Stunned, Lucas and Dustin looked at each other.

"I- I'm fae. I'm not mortal" El said softly to them. She turned to Mike and said, "You have to come with me. They need you there. I don't know how to go back. I'm weak. And the portal is closed. They'll destroy everything if you don't go."

"Wait slow down. Me? What do they need me for? Who're 'they'? El I- I don't understand" Mike said.

"They...they're the destroyers. They want our m-magic." El told him.

"Magic? Mike what is she talking about? We were here to find Will! Not another problem!" Lucas said, clearly frustrated.

"Will? Will, the wise?!" El said, finally standing up from her position on the ground, looking as though a lot of her questions had been answered. She was shivering now, most of her radiance had faded.

"No! No! Not Will, the wise! Will is our friend. And he's missing. And we're wasting time talking to you, whoever you are", Lucas said, eyebrows furrowed.

"Wait you know Will? El how to you know Will?" Dustin asked.

"Alright guys that's enough! Can't you see she's cold and tired? God knows how long she's been here all alone in the forest. I'm gonna take her home. And then you can ask her whatever you want when she's cleaned up and rested." Mike said.

"Take her home?? Mike, are you crazy? What if your mom found out?"

"She won't find out okay? Let me handle it." Mike shrugged out of his hoodie and offered it to El. "Take it, you're cold."

El took his hoodie with nimble fingers and put it on. It smelled like him, she noticed. Like cinnamon and vanilla and wet earth after the rain.

"C'mon. Let's get you out of here" Mike took her hand softly, and led her to his bike.

"Mike, are you seriously leaving?? What about Will?" Lucas asked.

"We'll talk to her tomorrow and find out if she knows anything. And then we'll come back and look for Will." Mike said, starting to walk back towards the edge of the Woods with El.

"Lucas come along, we'll get lost otherwise," Dustin said, starting to follow Mike.

They made their way back out of the woods and Mike snuck El into the Wheeler's house.

Dustin and Lucas went home praying, that Mike's parents wouldn't find out about her existence anytime soon.

Take My Breath Away (Mileven AU) [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now