Chapter 1- Adverage Joe

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Journal Entry 1- This morning...

Dear Journal,

Tonight I will sleep well hopefully, I have been having nightmares. It's a terrible event each time from kidnappers taking me away, to being slit open with a knife. I wake up after the events that take place and clutch my blankets in fear. I shiver from the memories and hold onto the blankets till I finally calm down. This usually happens around ten minutes. I would never had guessed that this would go on for weeks and weeks. I hope I will sleep well tonight...

-Sincerely, Kay Thompson.

Chapter 1- Just Another Day.

I wake up slowly finally pulling myself from the warm sheets of my paradise, my bed. A groan emerges from the back of my throat when I finally realize the time. I pull myself from my bed and slowly make my way to the bathroom. I see my reflection from the mirror. My hair was in a messy bun and my mascara was still on my face, well it was more or less all under my eyes now. I finally let myself wake up to its fullest by splashing cold water on my face. I place some face-wash in my hands and begin to get ready. I put on my old volleyball shirt with the number '3' on it. Then I moved onto my regular jeans and brown belt. I quickly put on my white high tops and placed my hair into two loosely done braids.

Right as we reached the gate my friends instantly greeted me. Abby brings me into a warm hug. It was a feeling that my bed gave me in the morning, warm and inviting.

"Hey, I'm glad to see you!" She smiles. I roll my eyes, "It's not like I was gone for a week". Abby brushes some of her brown hair out of her face and slickly gives me the eyebrow dance. "You know who you haven't seen in a week?" Abby asked fully knowing the answer. It had to be Carson, I remember his blonde locks soaked with sweat after football practice, his blue eyes and how they genuinely looked at me, and his smile that lit up my life like a Christmas tree. I knew I was head over heels but I couldn't help it! He was funny, handsome, and he lived close by as a bonus.

The only downside was that he was a year older, nonetheless in high school unlike me, a middle schooler.

Abby pushes up her glasses and smiles evilly at my face as I pictured him now. I look over at her and pout a little at her teasing me. "Oh come on, stop bullying me." I wine. Abby laughs maniacally. My other friend, Diana, walked up and gave me a pat on the shoulder for support. I looked down and saw the twilight shirt, I was half disgusted but at the same time, I really didn't care. "There, there" She softly told me, obviously trying to sarcastically comfort me. Diana was the type of girl that most people liked. She had beautiful dark skin and brown eyes like Abby. She had glasses that didn't shield the light that shined in her eyes.

Diana and Abby choke out a laugh as our friend Steve struts over, playing the Barbie song we all know. Steve is lip singing to the words while acting like his usual self, gay. It was true, Steve was the most flamboyant guy I've ever met in my whole thirteen years. Steve walks over to us and flips his brown hair sassily. "Hey, girls" he smiles. We all give him a big hug and he squeezes us tightly. "Oh my god, have you seen that hot piece of cake floating around school?" Steve gushes. Steve starts to fan himself with his usual button up shirt. Me and Abby sigh "Do you mean Chance?" I ask. Chance was a guy whom we called gay as a joke. Steve always hit on him and Chance always swatted him away.

"No, I'm talking about Landon," Steve says sarcastically. "Of course I'm talking about Chance!" Steve yells, he sighs short afterward and straightens his posture to his usual tall self. "Gaylord!" Some uncultured jock screams out toward Steve, trying to get a laugh from his friends. Sadly it works and they point and laugh at Steve. "Oh please, at least I'm not so far in the closet that I'm seeing Narnia like you!" Steve screams back, Abby, Diana, and I start cracking up and laughs harder then we have for a while. The jocks try to recover again, and again but fail miserably and walks 'the walk of shame' away. Abby screams for a moment and we all turn to see Lance behind her, he had just grabbed her sides to make her jolt.

"Lance! Stop scaring me!" Abby whines. Lance chuckles before responding "I got you good though!" He then continues to laugh loudly. Abby's face begins to turn a deep red and she groans from embarrassment before stomping away with Lance hot at her heels. "I'm going to be the godmother of their child, just saying the spot has been filled completely" Diana jokes. I gasp and continue the joke by announcing "No, I'm the godmother!", Diana and I banter for a good minute before Steve cuts in "I'm the godfather and mother now get to class!" Steve concludes right as the bell rings out. I sigh and begin my slow descent to my first period. I had Mrs. Arte, she was very mean to the students on some days and other days she was calm and at peace.

Mrs Arte's class went by very slowly and all i mostly did was doodle something else then what she was telling us, it wasn't my fault she was so boring! The class went as usual, she yelled at kids and then stormed off later. It was a ongoing joke that kids changed her name into something vulgar. I sigh once I hear that magical bell everyone yearned to hear.

We all raced out the door before Mrs Arte could say a word. I then had choir where we did our warmups and sang loudly. After went PE and other classes too up until fifth with Lance. While he joked around, i sat quietly as i waited to leave.

then entered my sixth period with Landon and the rest of the class half asleep, well not quite. Isaiah, Ryder, and Andrew were making a ruckus in the corner and caused the teacher to go wild. As i sat in my chair the bell rung and class began. Mrs Thomas decided to give us a worksheet and i happily obliged. I was actually not that bad at math, better yet she gave us partners. Landon pleaded and i finally agreed after the fifth time. Landon started spacing out after the sixth question. I sighed and started to go ahead. After the twentieth question Landon finally came back to reality and groaned as he saw what question i was on. I laughed as i saw the betrayal and disbelief on his expression.

"How rude." Landon exaggerates. I giggle and let him copy as i stare off. Once Landon is at the seventeenth question the bell rings. "Wait-" "Bye!" I quickly say as i grab my paper and leave the class quickly. I knew he wanted to copy my work and i wasn't about to let him, I had to beat lance to my seventh period class!

I walk out of the class and look over to see Lance just leaving his classroom a few doors down. Luckily i was a little closer to the next class than him. I ran with all my might and sprinted down the hall, dodging people as i went, and hurried to the next class. Lance was hot at my heels as i booked it through the door. "Yes!" I shout in victory. I beat Lance for the hundredth time it felt like.

Lance groans, salty he didn't win again. Diana and Abby laugh a little and walk up to us. It was obvious Lance and Abby liked each other but i guess they didn't want to date yet. Lance always dated a girl for a week and left her in the dust, that's how it was. The class went by and we soon heard the bell ring. It seemed weird how fast the day had passed. My friends said goodbye to me and we split ways finally i am home. I decide to fall asleep early that night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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