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                Sunsetonfire joined the chatroom.

Sunsetonfire: oh my I have a headache!

                 Twilight joined the chatroom.

Twilight: hope you get well soon.
Sunsetonfire: thanks!
Twilight: no worries anyone can get a headache talking to pinkie.

Sunsetonfire: I know right!
Twilight: besides that what are your plans?
Sunsetonfire: none yet...
Twilight: can we meet this Saturday?
Sunsetonfire: yeah sure, why is there something important?

Twilight: nah jush wanted to discuss some stuff over.

Sunsetonfire: yeah fine, what time?

                 Pinkiesense joined the chatroom.

Pinkiesense: umm 5 pm! Howz that?!
Pinkiesense: huh? huh?
Sunsetonfire: not again!
Twilight: actually pinkie I have to talk to sunset only about some stuff...

Pinkiesense: ohh come on!😦
Twilight: come on pinkie try to understand!
Sunsetonfire: yea pinkie Twilight is right, try to understand!

Pinkiesense: seems like you all hate me.
Twilight: it's not that pinkie...
Sunsetonfire: just some stuff is like secret.
Pinkiesense: don't try to butter me I'll only give you headaches.

                    Pinkiesense left the chatroom.

Sunsetonfire: pinkie...
Twilight: pinkie we didn't mean to hurt you!
Sunsetonfire: come back...

                     Twilight left the chatroom.
                     Sunsetonfire left the chatroom.

Equestria Girls: ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now