Warning & Rights For The Book

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WARNING For The Book:

This book contains depression, anxiety, and abuse. If you are struggling with any of the following please click off this book and talk to someone about it.

Also, I may warn you that some things in this book many of you may relate to, but please do not relate this book to your life. Everything that happens in this book is fiction. Some of the decisions that the characters make will not be the right ones, so please if you are having trouble or have went through something that relates to this book and is lost or seeking advice please do not seek it from this book. SO PLEASE IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE WITH SOMETHING, FOR THE LAST TIME PLEASE, PLEASE, CLICK OFF THIS BOOK.

RIGHTS Of This Book:

-No Plagiarizing

-No Translating

-This book will only be available on Wattpad (You may share or recommend the book to your friends on Facebook or Pinterest etc...) But the chapters cannot be posted anywhere or on any other website other than Wattpad.

You may make trailers and covers or collages for the book.

I don't mean to sound rude but many people will try to steal my work, and I wouldn't want that. This book was my idea, and I want to make sure no one tries to steal my ideas.

Thank you for reading this,


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